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By the age of 3, a child knows which gender he belongs to. And at about 4 years old he begins to actively ask questions about the relationship between a man and a woman. The child should learn about sex education from you, and not from his peers, otherwise he will receive information in a very distorted form. The sooner you start talking about this with your child, the more problems you can avoid in the future. Remember that your prohibitions, as well as sharp reactions, will only fuel your interest in the sexual issue. Where to start? To begin with, do not react too emotionally; if a child asks a “sensitive” question, treat it as an ordinary question. Information should be given according to the child’s age and try to explain it in a language understandable to him. If this is a small child, then answer briefly, without going into details, answer only about what he asked you about. For a child 5-6 years old, it is advisable to purchase a children's anatomical atlas so that the child can study everything visually. Parents often ask the question of how to react correctly if a kindergarten teacher tells them that she caught their child looking at the genitals of another child in during the game of "doctor". There is no need to grab your heart and panic, much less swear and shout at the child, punish him. Nothing bad happened, all children go through this and it is considered normal. In this situation, the child simply studied and compared his own and someone else's body. At this age, the child does not perceive this as something bad and forbidden, for him it is only a game, as well as learning about himself and others. If in this situation you behave rudely, insult the child, say that it is “dirty” and “bad,” then in the future this may cause a negative attitude towards sex life, as well as sexual deviations. Treat this as calmly as possible, just tell him about how a boy’s genitals differ in structure from a girl’s genitals and why these differences are needed. If a child asks what it means to “have sex,” then you should start the story with how you met his dad, how much you fell in love with each other friend. And that when two adults love each other, they spend a lot of time together, hugging, kissing and having sex in order to be even closer to each other. But only adults can do this, and he is not ready yet. To do this, he needs to become an adult. About the birth of a child, we can say this: after the parents got married, they decided to have a child, and the mother’s cells connected with the father’s cells in the mother’s tummy. It is best if the story about pregnancy is accompanied by pictures from books so that the child can understand it more clearly. Emphasize that you were very happy about his birth and were looking forward to it. For a small child, such an explanation will be very comprehensive. But a teenager needs a different approach. It is better if the conversation is conducted by a parent of the same gender as the child, so there will be less embarrassment. The girl must be told about what menstruation is and what to do when it starts, as well as about the changes that occur in her body and physique. If you don't talk about it, the girl may not be ready and may be scared when her period starts. Explain that her body has not yet fully formed and it is better to wait until she is 18 to have sex. Tell us how the sexual desire of a girl differs from the sexual desire of a boy. A girl in adolescence strives more for a romantic relationship; she should not do what she does not want and for which she is not yet ready. Tell your daughter about what types of contraception exist and what their pros and cons are. Don't forget to talk about unplanned pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. Separately, I would like to talk about teenage masturbation. Almost every teenager goes through this and it's normal. A pathology is considered when a teenager.