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If we turn to the works of world classics, such as Tolstoy or Shakespeare, we can confidently answer that love is where there is drama, and the deeper and more epic the drama, the stronger the love. A similar trend can be seen in romance novels and romantic films. But is this true in real life? Works and films need drama, because without it there simply will be no story. If Anna Karenina loves her husband, he loves her and they are both happy, then what is the story here? No intensity of passions, no torment, no torment; it will be boring to read. But unfortunately, we often take away from such a work the idea that true love is like this, tragic, partly destructive. When in fact, in real life we ​​don’t need drama. Our relationship with our partner is most often a direct projection of our relationship with the parent of the opposite sex. And if in childhood the father showed love for his daughter only when she somehow showed herself positively: she got straight A’s, won competitions, washed the dishes, then as an adult such a woman is convinced that in order to be loved she must deserve it. She must be the best in everything: take great care of herself to be beautiful and well-groomed, cook superbly and maintain surgical cleanliness in the house. A woman is sure that no one will love her just like that, that they love her only for her actions and actions. Are there cases when there is no such projection? Yes, of course it happens, since the psyche of each person is purely individual. And as an adult, a person can understand that he doesn’t want to have it the way it was in childhood. Most likely, of course, such an understanding will not come immediately, but after a relationship, so to speak, “with the wrong partners,” and repeated disappointments. Someone has an understanding, but they can’t get out of a destructive relationship, and then the person goes to therapy with a psychologist to work through childhood traumas, write a new love script. And someone continues to live, in one continuous drama, swinging on an emotional swing. My dears, remember that in your life, you are the director and at any moment you can change the script and if you need help and guidance, I will always be glad help. Links to my social networks, where you can find a lot of interesting and useful information: https://vk.com/psiholog.zelinaINSTGR_LINK