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We are afraid for them...How did they get to school? How will the exams be passed? Doesn't falling in love for the first time hurt? We are afraid and worried. Because these are our children. But we should not forget that they are only guests in our lives. Sooner or later, the “chicks” will get stronger and leave our house. And we must try to be in a state of calm, and not with an earned “twitching eye.” Therefore, today we will figure out how to stop worrying about your child? I will share practical tools. To begin with, I will say that fear is a normal reaction, if in moderation. But it’s worth working on with constant anxiety. 1. In moments of anxiety, try to write down point by point what exactly you are afraid of right now. Observation is the first step. Look at each point and think, what is the likelihood that everything will be exactly as you imagine? Estimate what percentage the child is really at risk?2. Write down all the emotions you experience. By prescribing and pronouncing them, we can live them more easily.3. Answer yourself the question: what can I do to make me feel calmer? Listen to your inner voice, what it tells you. 4. Take time for yourself. Find a hobby, devote time to walking, your health, meeting with friends, reading books. Meditation and yoga also help.5. Often, we get panicky moods from the Internet and television. The recent tragedy in Kazan has shaken the nerves of many parents. And even those who did NOT have anything to do with these events, precisely because they often watched videos and read articles. It also happens that there are people around, relatives, who can easily transmit negative panic attitudes. It is also better to protect yourself from such communication. If, after completing all these points, you do not feel better, it means that behind the seemingly ordinary anxiety lies a deeper, unconscious reason. And to identify it, you will need a specialist. For help in solving your questions, you can contact me on WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram: +375(29)5216719. I consult online.