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Many married couples want to save the marriage precisely because of the children, but sometimes circumstances are such that it is better to separate than to continue a tense relationship. In this situation, parents are concerned about how to correctly inform their child about the divorce and how he will react to it. How does the divorce of parents affect children. Of course, the divorce of parents will not make any child happy, but, according to the observations of psychologists, he will endure the separation of mom and dad more easily than their daily conflicts. It is more comfortable for a child to live with one, but happy parent, than with two unfortunate ones who make constant claims to each other. Some couples wait until their son or daughter reaches a certain age before deciding to divorce. But there is no ideal age to accept such news. For a child it is equally difficult at 7, at 14, or at 20 years old. It’s just that the expression of feelings will be different, so the spouses will not be able to divorce painlessly for him. Their main task is to properly prepare children for changes in the family and help them survive this situation. How to inform a child about a divorce. The most important thing a child or teenager should know is that mom and dad will no longer be spouses, but they will remain the same parents for him. The child does not lose his family, it just changes a little. Now he will spend more time with one of the parents, but he will communicate with the second as much as he wants. And, even if dad lives in another apartment, the son will still go to his grandmother (father’s mother) in the summer, she will remain the same grandmother for him. In order not to cause psychological trauma to the child during a divorce, parents must adhere to the following rules:✔️Do not sort things out in presence of children. They shouldn't see scandals.✔️Don't talk bad about each other. The child loves mom and dad equally, and it will be very painful for him to hear unpleasant words about his loved one. There is no need to tell who is to blame for the breakup. As an adult, a son or daughter will understand for themselves who was right and who was wrong. Or maybe he won’t want to understand this.✔️ Explain to the child that the reason for the divorce is not his. Children often blame themselves for the separation of mom and dad. They feel like their bad behavior is to blame. Such trauma can remain for life.✔️Inform about divorce only when it is finally decided. Some spouses tend to scare each other by breaking up at any opportunity. Children do not need such adult games at all. At the same time, it is necessary to talk about dad’s departure not when he is standing with a suitcase at the door, but at least a week before departure. Otherwise, it will be a shock for the child.✔️Do not go into details of the divorce, especially if the child is still small. Do not say that dad found another aunt or that it is bad for mom to live with dad. For children, a simple explanation will be enough: “We will no longer be husband and wife and will no longer live together. This is our decision." At the same time, you must assure the child that you will remain his mother and father and will love him as before. Most likely, the child will take the news of his parents’ separation hard. It is necessary to give him time to come to his senses. During this period, you need to reduce the demands on him regarding lessons and some household chores. You should not expect normal behavior, fun games and joy from him. This is normal behavior for a little person going through a serious moment in life. Good luck with raising your children!