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From the author: Notes from a cognitive psychologist on the application of the principles of military strategy to the arrangement of your personal life The art of arranging your personal life profitably, like the art of war, is the path of cunning and calculation . Below we will tell you about the time-tested, 13 principles of military cunning of the Chinese strategist and thinker Sun Tzu in order to achieve your goal and get the desired chosen one. Principle No. 1. Disguising a perceived weakness If you can do anything, show the chosen one that you are not can. This means keeping your intentions secret, showing signs of your supposed weakness in order to achieve your goal more fully and quickly. Every woman should remember this principle immediately after learning the Lord’s Prayer. And repeat it like a mantra, morning noon and evening. Those ladies who are “YASAMA” should especially exercise. But if you really like to carry with your gentle hands four bags of food, five kilograms each - twenty in total, pay for them only with your honestly earned money, we cannot forbid you the pleasure of being a countless pony! Principle No. 2. Disguise with false actions If you use anything Somehow, show your chosen one that you don’t use it. Unlike the first trick, which advises you to pretend to be weak. This technique suggests masking your specific events. And even having resorted to some means, in the future, in order to mislead the chosen one, you should present your action in a different light. Of course, the chosen one does not need to know in detail what excess hair you remove from which places, what lip filler you use, in what there is still cellulite left in the place, and where did you remove it from, and so that it would be simply wonderful to correct it. There is no need for him to describe in vivid colors the conclusion of your gynecologist; all he needs to know is that the doctor prescribed you sexual rest for two weeks. Be for him a princess who smells of violet in all the “rooms” she uses. Principle No. 3. Disguise with distance Even if you are close, show that you are far away; Even if you are far away, show that you are close. The meaning of this technique is to deceive the chosen one with distance. If you are close, show that you are far away; if you are far away, show that you are close. The most disgusting thing is an accessible woman who is always at hand. Respect the nature of your chosen one, let his potential unfold - let him hunt you. Like the most valuable trophy. But if he needs support, you must be there emotionally, period, even if you are busy. Principle No. 4. Putting him to sleep. Lure him with benefits. This means: lure your chosen one with some minor strategic or tactical benefit and thereby achieve greater benefits for yourself. Think about what he associates pleasure with, within the bounds of what is reasonable, of course, and better yet, what is acceptable for you. Ideally, your offer will be strictly personalized. I have a friend who loves pasta. It would seem, what could be simpler? Yes there is a nuance. Before boiling the pasta, in his opinion, it should definitely be fried until it has a caramel color(!). And only after that, cook. If you do everything this way, naturally the pasta will be ideal, as will his mood, for a very long time. After all, they bothered so much exclusively for him. Principle No. 5. Introducing disorder into his ranks. Bring him into disorder and take him. This principle is expressed in the organization of events to introduce disorder into the chosen one’s camp. You can sow discord among his allies and thereby weaken them; if possible, tear them away from each other, raise internal unrest. The key point in my opinion here is emotional disstabilization and removal from the comfort zone, the absence of indifference and the feeling of a “swamp.” Black caviar gets boring if you constantly eat it in tablespoons. I don’t like it because it doesn’t takehangs up and doesn't call you back? Disappear from the horizon for a couple of days, let him jump. Principle No. 6. Using the weakening of his vigilance If he has a lot of everything, be ready. The meaning of this principle is that if you see that the chosen one has “everything is complete.” You cannot attack him directly and you cannot even show him your intentions to attack. On the contrary, you need to pretend that you realize the futility of attacking him. This can lull the chosen one’s vigilance and dispel his suspicions. In the meantime, under cover of passivity, everything must be prepared for a surprise attack. This is one of the most powerful and key points of strategy. Never show a great desire to marry him. Of course, you don’t care about his financial security, visual attractiveness, or popularity with the opposite sex. Of course not, not at all. Let him relax and bring everything himself on a saucer with a border of your favorite color. But a little later. Principle No. 7. Evading the superior. If he is strong, evade him. If the chosen one is stronger than you (psychologically, financially). Avoid a decisive confrontation with him. If his position is strong, do not attack directly, go around him. You should not “fight” with a man on the field where he is strong. Compete in career growth, making money, physical strength, intelligence. In truth, it is stupid to fight with a man if the goal is to love him. After all, you need a husband, not a rival, right? Believe me, he also does not need a rival, especially in the person of his beloved woman. Principle No. 8. Pushing him into rash and disastrous actions Having aroused anger in him, bring him into a state of frustration. It is necessary to infuriate the chosen one, piss him off, make him lose his cool and embark on rash and risky actions. By such actions, the chosen ones are broken, their strength is undermined, their spirit, energy and combat effectiveness are broken. The relationship has frozen at the level of renting you in the form of an indefinite round-the-clock housekeeper for an indefinite period of time without official marriage employment? Well, make a scandal and say that things won’t go on like this! Let him step out of his comfort zone and do something (disastrous from the point of view of his freedom), or roll like a sausage. Principle No. 9. Disguise with false defense Having a humble appearance, arouse conceit in him. This means: through humble words and deeds, ensure that your chosen one is imbued with conceit, excessive confidence in his own abilities and becomes careless. Then you should take advantage of this and attack him. Submission and flattery are the most effective weapons in a women’s war. It’s not difficult for you, but it’s pleasant for him, believe me, it’s very pleasant. After all, the last time he felt so good was only in childhood next to his beloved mother, when the whole world revolved around him. Principle No. 10. Weakening someone superior in strength. If his strength is fresh, tire him out. The essence of this principle is as follows: when the chosen one’s strength is fresh, tire him out, wear him down with all sorts of tricks, weaken him and, when he is exhausted, achieve your goal. Home preparations are required here: where to go, when to go, lists of tasks and errands. He should not have time for bad thoughts, and as one of the options for such thoughts - other women. Principle No. 11. Introducing discord into his camp If he has friendships, separate them. This principle means: try to sow discord in the camp of the chosen one, tear away allies from him, quarrel with each other. Identify potentially “dangerous” elements and neutralize them! Mom doesn't like you - the most desired gift for her birthday, and insistent visits on weekends. If your friends don't like you, they're just jealous of him. After all, they are more interested in spending time with their friend, and not with their other halves - losers, they could not build a harmonious relationship, not that you have complete mutual understanding with him. Principle No. 12. Taking advantage of his general unpreparedness Attack him when he is not ready. Use the material and moral unpreparedness of your chosen one. You don’t have to wait for him to mature in ten years and do.