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From the author: A suppressed impulse, like a suppressed throw, push, blow, action, spasms the muscle frame, and if this happens regularly, then the body and muscles “get used” to a certain hypertonic state, like as if the energy that should have been transferred into action was redirected into keeping oneself from acting. Biochemistry gets confused, not understanding whether or not to release a portion of hormones of relaxation and pleasure, after a portion has already been allocated for tension and action. I continue to study the topic of aggression in the body, its suppression and influence on the neurotic shell of the body, following in the footsteps of Wilheim Reich and the followers of the body-oriented approach in therapy. Everything that is stimulated in our body, any impulse must be realized, translated into action. The more accurately we caught the first impulse, gave it the opportunity to be realized, the faster we neutralize fear, its consequences in the form of blocked energy, which will begin to block other feelings, energy flows through the muscles, the body completely, introducing it into a common block and enveloping, placing the body in a shell . Then, when living through the primary impulse is more terrible and dangerous, the impulse is directed inward and a huge amount of energy is required to contain it within oneself, to suppress it and be ready not to react to such impulses in the future; in this zone the body dies, becomes insensitive, lifeless. The speed of impulses and sensitivity decreases over time, which generally slows down the body and its processes. The body blocked in the shell, in turn, affects the chemical composition of fluids and tissues, which is connected in a dead loop with neurochemistry (feelings, emotions). The primary impulse, feeling, emotion, influence the muscular framework, biochemistry, which generally leads our body to different states, including various mental processes. It makes no sense to argue what is primary, a thought or a feeling; here it is more important to understand that our body is the result of suppressed or lived impulses. A living, plastic, elastic body in normal tone speaks of sensitivity to impulses, their implementation through various experiences. Living is passing and releasing through oneself that primary recognized impulse spontaneously. A pinched, distorted body, where there is a clear deformation of individual parts, the back, neck, shoulders, arms, abdomen, hips, indicates the accumulation of blocks, the constant blocking of impulses, the failure of their residence and implementation, and therefore their neutralization. A suppressed impulse is like a suppressed throw, a push, blow, action, spasms the muscle frame, and if this happens regularly, then the body, the muscles “get used” to a certain hypertonic state, as if the energy that should have been transferred into action was redirected into holding itself back from action. Biochemistry gets confused, not understanding whether or not to release a portion of hormones of relaxation and pleasure, after a portion has already been allocated for tension and action. The result is a blocked flow of chemistry, where stress hormones remain in a constant supply, like from a leaky tap with water, as a result, the body is constantly pumped up with stress hormones, which naturally changes mental processes. At the level of physics and chemistry, a person who constantly restrains the impulse of aggression and anger, fear, becomes bitter, embittered, dissatisfied, negatively thinking, no matter what the size of his body, the indicator here is a shell that makes the body rigid or spread out with atony of the muscles as a result of their exhaustion and drying out. Therefore, if you have a similar feeling of blocking muscles, areas body, obvious deformation indicated by postures, gestures, gait, pain and spasms of certain parts of the body, it is important to start living what is now, it comes in the form of impulses, gradually delving into the past, since the past is stored in muscle memory. I can say about myself, that not so long ago, during a massage course, muscle memory worked and gave out a portion of sensations and emotions, awareness of physical violence,.