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Stupidity does not always make a person evil, but anger always makes a person stupid. (Francoise Sagan). About the nature of anger and anger. Thanks to their destructive power, anger and anger are the most powerful among all other negative emotions. “Anger is the most terrible and violent of all emotions,” wrote Seneca. To understand how to get rid of anger and hatred, you must first find out their origin. The roots of anger are nourished from sources that are largely determined by nature itself. It is obvious that aggression is necessary for every living being, firstly, in the name of concern for the security of its own borders, and secondly, because of the desire to maintain and expand the sphere and territory of influence. In the animal world, it is required both for natural competition and for the struggle for mating partnership. These motives were inherited from our distant ancestors. Anger is a powerful and short-term anger directed at someone or something. This is a multiply amplified anger, which is extremely difficult to cope with. Anger is stronger than anger, but it also dries up faster. Both of these emotions are not always harmful; they are given to man by nature for a reason, since on the one hand they serve his safety, and on the other they help in competition. To say that anger and anger are absolutely harmful to a person is the same as saying that thunder and wind are dangerous for all living things. However, if these emotions dominate over all others and get out of control, they cause serious harm to their owner. About their harm. In a civilized society, where there is no need to fight the enemy for food or territory, a deficiency of anger and malice is sometimes felt as a deficiency of strong emotions. This is why some people have such a craving for watching films with scenes of violence and playing games with a lot of death and destruction. There are more and more such films and games, and new technical techniques make them more and more realistic. An episode from the movie “Machete” comes to mind, where the “hero” rips open someone’s stomach, takes out and unwinds the intestine and uses it as a rope to lower himself out of the window... Fortunately for all humanity, nature has mercifully given us, in contrast to anger, anger, compassion and virtue. Otherwise, people would have killed each other in internecine wars a long time ago. To a greater extent, these feelings are close to a woman, as the bearer of the function of generating a new life, while coexisting in her with anger as an invariable attribute of rivalry and the desire for security. To consider the manifestation of anger and anger as something unnatural and unworthy of a person would be stupid. People are not angels or robots; they have the whole range of feelings and emotions. Both the Pope and the Dalai Lama can be angry with someone. The question is to maintain a balance between negative and positive emotions. At the same time, this balance can be imagined as a fly in the ointment and a barrel of honey. Why is this so? First of all, so as not to harm yourself. Anger and hatred block the functioning of the brain, eliminating objectivity of judgment and analysis of the consequences of further actions. You lose the ability to judge sensibly and seem to go crazy. Thus, these emotions create chaos in the head, leading to the deepening of your problem and further difficulties. In addition, many studies show that anger and hatred often lead to illness and premature death. For example, American scientists R. Williams and R. Sapolsky conducted studies that proved that anger, rage and hostility have a particularly destructive effect on the cardiovascular system. This statement is supported by so much evidence that today anger and hostility are considered to be on the same level of danger as high cholesterol and high blood pressure. How to free yourself from their bondage. Now that we have established for ourselves the obvious harm of anger and hatred, the question arises - what to do about it? How to get rid of anger, hatred and anger when these negative emotions!