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I recently saw on a social network a link to a Soviet-era video about dependency coding using the Dovzhenko method performed by the author of the method. I decided to watch this video and was amazed at the skill with which Alexander Romanovich creates phobias and allergies. It would seem, what does phobias and allergies have to do with it... However, if you carefully observe the entire session, from the point of view of modern psychosomatics, you can clearly see that the entire coding session is a perfectly orchestrated model of the occurrence of allergies and phobias. The fact is that the modern understanding of psychosomatics proves the occurrence of a phobia or allergy by the fact that the human subconscious connects into a single system a certain fear and a certain element (substance, color, temperature, room, people, animals, etc.), which is with this fear not directly connected, but subconsciously these two components are “connected” by one neural connection, that is, they have interdependence for a particular individual. The best description of this process is the concept of a track - VAKOG in German New Medicine or afferent synthesis in the Theory of Functional Systems. That is, during coding, the therapist in hypnosis makes a suggestion like: “vodka is poison”, “if you drink it, you will die”, “you feel a disgusting stench” when...” and depending on the modality in which the reaction occurs in the body of the person being coded, either an allergy or a phobia to alcohol, tobacco, etc. appears. (Remember how often we were coded and how often we code: “don’t drink cold things - your throat will hurt”, “don’t go near the dog/cat - it’s flea-infested”, “don’t watch TV - you’ll ruin your eyes” .......) In general, phobias and allergies have the same mechanisms of occurrence and the same goal of “saving” life and health, but they differ only in manifestations, which are called symptoms. My personal opinion is that coding at the modern level of development of psychosomatic therapy is a “last resort” that must be resorted to in especially severe cases, or at the end of a course of therapy, after diagnosing and eliminating the causes that led to one or another addiction. I recommend everyone to watch videos about coding, as a “visual aid” about how phobias and allergies arise in life! Happiness and health to everyone! Treatment of allergies and phobias via Skype +7(922)8344733 (WhatsApp, Viber, Skype) - effective and fast.