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I bring to your attention a way to reduce anger. Anger is as natural a human emotion as fear, joy, and surprise. However, its destructive power is many times greater than that of other emotions, and it is often directed at oneself. Usually, forced suppression of aggression causes a feeling of fullness in the head and chest, pulsation in the temples. Symbolically accumulated anger always “explodes”, “splashes out”, “bursts out”. Learn not to hold it back, but to let it go, so that it does not “gush boiling water” around your body, but simply “flow out in a slow stream”, without burning anyone or destroying yourself. “Jug Method” Find a time when no one will disturb you. Sit comfortably and imagine a jug into which water flows from the tap. The jug can be anything, it can be on the table in front of you or in your hands. Feel its presence in its entirety. You see how the water fills it to the brim and... What happens next? It just pours out of the jug. It didn’t explode, and the water just flowed as it flowed. At the same time, feel quiet joy and bodily relaxation. Feel that nothing bad has happened. This meditation can be done daily. Spend 10-15 minutes a day in quiet inner contemplation and feel how your level of anger decreases. This technique for managing emotions will help you reduce the release of aggression and its intensity. In every stressful situation, where you habitually take a fighting pose, clench your teeth tightly, like a predator before a jump, then return to this exercise, imagining how everything unnecessary is calmly poured into the space around, absorbed into the ground and transformed there. This exercise does not change habitual behavior (long-term work with a psychologist is needed here), however, it can be the first step towards mastering your emotions and voluntary control over them. And what methods do you use? Your careful psychologist, Lyudmila Zhuravleva. You can always ask for help if you difficult to cope with! Sign up for a consultation (online/offline) by phone.+7(982)482-64-79