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Ready for school!? Ready! How to prepare a child for school? What does it mean that a child is ready for school? When should you start? Here are some questions that parents of future first-graders ask. What do they want to hear in response? A simple and clear algorithm of actions, after completion of which we are confident that the child is ready for school. Normal preparation begins with the child being taken to school for preparatory courses. It is believed that if a child has mastered reading and writing skills before the start of the school year, then he is completely ready for school. Starting from the age of six, the child is driven into a certain framework of conformity. And they begin to evaluate it and compare it with a fictitious standard. Thus, causing very serious damage to the child’s psyche and health. So where is it still necessary to start preparing for school so as not to harm the child. And the first thing is understanding who a 6-7 year old child is? What is his level of development, what are his personal and age characteristics? What does he need and what can he do? And what is important for him? I will not cover all the features of this age, I will dwell on some of them, in my opinion, the most important. A 6-7 year old child enters a new dimension - “mid-childhood”, as G.S. calls this age . Abramova.1. This age is characterized by increased sensitivity to the content of the child’s self-concept. Self-concept is an image of oneself, an attitude towards oneself and one’s qualities, an idea of ​​oneself. What does it mean? The child searches for himself, determines his qualities and tries to understand: who am I? What am I? A child is very vulnerable at this age to any influences from other people. The child has no defense against verbal assessment, and he takes everything seriously. The resource for his development is a protected environment and non-judgmental acceptance. A child of this age begins to designate the boundaries of his Self by establishing a distance from other people. From the age of 5, a generalized concept of another person begins to form. What kind of strangers are they? Should we be afraid of them or can we trust them? How to understand this? How to protect the boundaries of your self? The child’s social space is expanding. There is a world beyond the family and it is necessary to build relationships there, moreover, if I don’t like someone, I can’t do anything about it, I need to endure his presence... At this time (6-7 years old) the child loses his spontaneity and spontaneity and acquires arbitrariness and indirectness in activity. The child begins to relate his behavior to the environment. It becomes multifaceted - the real and fictional worlds are separated, the child is aware of their discrepancy, the world of objects and the world of relationships are separated, the child can identify and name his feelings, be aware of the transition of one feeling to another. Thinking is concrete and figurative. The child’s world is full of colors and nuances; he builds generalizations based on his experience, his experiences. An adult and a child think differently. Children see what is inaccessible to an adult, and the child is still deprived of the experience that we have. Here are some features of this age. And the main question arises - what are the criteria for a child’s readiness for school? “A healthy, inquisitive child who knows his own worth can build relationships with other people - this is a child truly ready to learn,” writes G.S. Abramova. Everything is very simple and at the same time extremely complex. We are accustomed to the fact that readiness for school is determined by the mastery of certain skills. It’s easier for us, or rather, it’s a visible result. After all, how to measure: self-confidence, courage, curiosity, the ability to trust and build relationships. How to cultivate in a child adequate self-esteem, courage, self-confidence and strength, unconditional love for life, understanding of one’s worth (always be yourself!). And why is this even important for successful learning? When a child enters school, he finds himself in a world where few people will be interested in his inner world. What is he like? What does he need.