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Hi! We all have relationships. For some, these are long and harmonious relationships based on mutual care and love, for others, these are short meetings with painful partings, for others, these are business, emotionally distant relationships, for others, a passionate and stormy romance that sweeps away everything on your journey, for some it's an addiction you've been struggling with since Monday. Why do relationships develop so differently? One could say that the development of relationships depends on both partners and the scenario of the relationship is determined not only by you. It would be possible. If only it weren't about food. Yes, yes, it is our relationship with food that I want to talk about today. Let's look at the psychology of food. So, you are born, and as compensation for such a sharp transition from a state of serenity and well-being, you receive your mother’s breast (or not a breast, but a bottle with a mixture, of course not God knows what, but that will do). You don’t know how to do much else: feel discomfort and report it, move your arms and legs, sleep, breathe, write and poop, eat. Of all of the above, only food can give you so much pleasure that you close your eyes in bliss and fall asleep. So, you become acquainted with the first and most important function of food - to bring you pleasure. But pleasure is not everything. In your mother’s arms, feeling her warmth, her heartbeat, smelling your mother’s skin, looking into her eyes, you understand that you are not alone, that there is now another person next to you and you feel good with this person. Almost as good as it was in mom's tummy. And this is another function of food - to give a feeling of closeness, fusion. In addition, while feeding the child (whether breastfeeding or artificially), the mother enters into communication with the child. She tells him something with her gaze, relaxation or tension of the body, voice or silence, stroking or spanking. And this is the next function - communication. So, our first experience of food is associated with pleasure, a feeling of closeness, and the opportunity to communicate. And if this experience was positive, then our future relationship with food will develop well. We will consider food as a means of satisfying the need for food and will consume it only in the quantity necessary for this. If the first experience was unsuccessful, and we used food as an opportunity to relieve internal tension (as in the case of an anxious mother, when mother’s tension was transmitted to us and we often cried, and food turned out to be the only available means of relaxation) or as the only opportunity to be in contact with mother (for example, if mother took us in her arms only to feed us and we were forced to often ask for food). Or food could cause unpleasant feelings if mom rejected us (physically or emotionally) during feedings. And then we will consider food as an opportunity to relieve internal tension or feel less alone, or as a way to show how much we resent our mother (in the case of anorexia). In these cases, food will satisfy completely different needs - intimacy, safety, acceptance, communication, i.e., needs that as adults we must satisfy in other ways, not with food. And our relationship with food will be complex: excessive food consumption, eating regardless of whether you feel hungry or not, a constant need to chew something, an unhealthy interest in the topic of food, an inability to control the amount of food consumed. What to do? Find out. What needs are you trying to satisfy with food? Be aware of what pushes you to the refrigerator in each specific case. Think about how you can meet these needs differently. Start satisfying them in a different way. The action plan fits into 4 sentences. But, of course, bringing all this to life is much more difficult and responsible. Therefore, instead of working on ourselves, we choose food (alcohol, cigarettes, work,.