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From the author: The book “How to understand a loved one. Astropsychological recommendations for achieving harmony in the family" and other free materials can be found at the link: Today the air element is next in line. The air element does not like emotional stress; strong passion is not typical for air. Easily forgets and switches. In general, air signs do not like clarification and drama; they try to avoid any manifestation of conflict by all available means. The main thing for air is freedom. Of the entire zodiac cycle, representatives of air signs change their allegiances most quickly. They cannot be restrained by rules and generally accepted norms, like earth signs; depth of feelings, like water ones; passion like fire. Air is very light, it quickly changes shape, and it is impossible to keep it in one state. If you decide to “purchase” it, it will immediately go away. In intimacy, the partner is interested in communication, but long-term interaction takes a lot of energy, so he needs to rest, switch gears, and be alone. Air is oriented towards external manifestation. Geminis are quick to rise, easy to communicate, and can find a common language with almost anyone. They are everywhere where something happens. Life loses its meaning if movement stops. Geminis are constantly divided, they spend a lot of energy fighting with themselves. Outwardly they are carefree, but in their souls they are ambitious. To get their share of self-esteem, Geminis are not averse to showing off, boasting, and exaggerating their capabilities and achievements. But at the same time they are able to joke about themselves and laugh heartily. Libras are selective in communication, but tactful. They are able to assess and see a situation from different sides, so they cannot make a quick choice and outwardly show indecisiveness. They are drawn to everything beautiful, they love and appreciate art. They don’t like to take responsibility, so Libras always need a couple, support. They are supporters of a reasonable compromise, rarely enter into conflict, try to resolve everything peacefully, but if they touch a nerve, they will explode and easily put the offender in his place. Aquarius is the most original and unpredictable sign. Loves everything new. He finds unexpected solutions, always experiments in everything, and his family is no exception. Sociable, fast, easy. He does not solve issues by force; for this, Aquarius has a head and a lot of unrealized ideas. He does not respect traditions, so he easily forgets significant family dates and holidays. Do not rush to be offended, forgive Aquarius for his forgetfulness. We will end the story with the element of water next time. If you want to learn more, read the book “How to understand a loved one. Astropsychological recommendations for achieving harmony in the family “In the book I describe all twelve zodiac signs. In addition, I talk about what a husband or wife needs to do and how to behave in order to constructively use the planetary energy, get the maximum benefit from it and strengthen family relationships.