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A “System” is a certain organizational structure that has its own rules and management tools. It can be small, such as a small group or family of three, or medium-sized, such as government institutions, and large ones, like a state or a community of states. Despite the fact that each system has its own orders, its own way of life, the principles of interaction with the System are similar. And if a person has a conflict with any system, it leaves an imprint on the interaction with most systems. If a person, as a child, had a conflict with school, then this conflict remained at the energy level and was imprinted in the behavior model. And this is not only about that that by taking the children to school, he will transfer the energy of the conflict to his relationship with the school. It is transferred to most government structures. This conflict can be associated with fear, with pain, with humiliation, with defeat, and depending on this, a person chooses a strategy of action. This can be a strategy of active defense, and the best defense is an attack (aggressive behavior, war) or a strategy of avoiding struggle or a subordinate position, or a general refusal to interact. But even when going into self-employment, creating his own business, a person is forced to interact with government agencies, with the legislative and executive authorities, tax, pension, insurance systems, with banks, with religious systems, etc. etc. Yes, and when a person goes to his ancestral settlements, he does not stop living in the state system. A person cannot live outside the system. The question is not how to separate from the System, but how to interact with it effectively, mutually beneficial. Yes , this is possible when the conflict is eliminated. This conflict is located within a person. The resolution of this internal conflict leads to the removal of external conflicts and stressful situations that it, the internal conflict provokes. How to do this? The easiest way to do this is during an individual therapeutic session. It is possible through work with the genus, because the genus - this is our first system, and interaction with it leaves an imprint for life. And in addition to personal conflict with the clan, with parents, it is also natural for a person to live with clan conflicts with the System. During the course “Rod Resources” you can get acquainted with systemic laws, find the conflict, its cause and reconcile the conflicting parties. Write to me for any questions.© Galina Suslina, more than a psychologist