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The king of the three-eighth kingdom, Andrew I, loved to think in the evenings. And every time his thoughts reached the same dead end and it seems like he has a lot of talents, a lot of interests and everything is not bad in life, the king is still not bullshit and the neighbors are peaceful and the kingdom is prosperous, but what path should you take, what I couldn’t decide for myself what to do. He once heard that the Healer Tina and the Fortune Teller Nika, known throughout the world, live in distant lands. Without hesitation, the king got ready for a long journey, he decided to find a healer and a fortune teller and find out from them where he should go, which road to choose, what was his destiny? I took the Guidebook with me and hit the road. The road turned out to be not easy, long, confusing, and exhausting. The Guide grumbled at the king, saying: “There was nothing to do, he was getting ready to go on the road, he couldn’t sit at home, the kingdom had been abandoned...”, but she showed the way correctly and was always there. They traveled for several days and finally reached the Healer. The king entered - Hello, dear Healer. - Hello, King - They say you can help me? - And it depends on what kind of help you need? -My back often hurts, can you help? -Here, take this crystal apple, twirl it in front of your eyes and your back will go away. The king twirled the apple in front of his eyes and, indeed, both fatigue and back pain immediately went away - What forever? So simple ? -Forever . -Thank you so much . It’s great that you can cure your back once and for all. Can I have one more request? - the Tsar became emboldened - Give me one more - I don’t know which path in life to choose? Where to look for it? What to do? What is my happiness? What is fate? - I can’t help you with this, you need to go to a fortune teller - Can you tell me where to find it? -I’ll give you a hint, why not give me a hint? We are friends with her and are always in touch. Tina directed him to the fortune teller and asked him to give her a jar of jam. Almost at night the Tsar got to the Fortune Teller - Hello, dear! - Hello, dear man! - I came to you from the Healer, she will give you a jar of jam I passed it on and I also have one question for you. -Wait, don’t rush. Take a rest from the road, eat, drink, spend the night. In the morning you will ask questions. The king woke up in the morning rested and in a great mood. “Come on, give me your questions,” said the fortune teller. “Please tell me where should I go, which path should I choose? I just can’t find myself. I like a lot, a lot is interesting, but what exactly is mine?” What is my happiness? What is my destiny, I don’t know. Where to look for it, I don’t know? I know that I can’t do this anymore. I want to be happy. Nika laid out her tricky cards, whispered something to them and laid them out again. -Why are you hanging around with the Guide? She’s just taking away my bread,” she noted casually, “Well, what do you mean? It’s proven, reliable, and doesn’t fit at all.” The fortune teller winced, laid out the cards again, thought, and was silent for a while, “Well, okay. Here’s a description of the road, when you get to the place and see what you don’t see, give me this,” and she held out a small box. “Just be careful, don’t open the box until then.” “Thank you,” said the Tsar. He had been in a great mood since the morning and sat down more comfortably. “It’s time for you to hit the road.” And I wanted to stay here a little longer - No, no, no, you have to go. Reluctantly, the Tsar went out into the courtyard, without even looking at the leaflet, he handed it to the Guide. - They told you that I’m taking other people’s bread!? - she was indignant. The king smiled friendly. - Why did you bring me here anyway? I don’t have to hang around with you and show you the way! Look for it yourself! You hang around all sorts of healers. “Okay,” the Tsar said conciliatoryly, “Come on, maybe we’ll have time to get to the place today.” And the Guide, sighing, went with him to look for and show him the way. As they walked, the road lay through the forest, they got tired and they saw Baba Yaga’s hut. Maybe we can go in and take a break? - suggested the Tsar. They came closer. It looks like no one is home. The guide noticed a note on the door: “The key is under the doormat. I went to the city to seek my happiness. When entering the house, take off your shoes. Wash the cups after yourself.”