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Now, when people have to work even harder during a crisis, this article will be a relevant message for those who cannot cope with themselves and their work.1. There are many reasons for this negative phenomenon, when a person is unable to stop thinking about his professional responsibilities; let’s consider the 5 most important: Manipulation by superiors or colleagues. This often happens in labor relations. Our person, especially in a leadership position, unfortunately, is far from a humanist, and therefore primarily uses manipulation as the main motivating tool. How does the boss manipulate? Right! See below...The feeling of guilt that we inherited from significant adults from childhood. It lies in wait at every step, because it was “sewn” into our heads by caring adults when they wanted to control the behavior of their children. Voila! Now your boss or colleague is using their tool;Perfectionism. This phenomenon originates from an inferiority complex and a person’s lack of self-love: a person reasons, “Since I’m imperfect (and changing myself is quite difficult, so the decision comes - Why don’t I change the WORLD around me?!), then everything that makes me surrounds must be ideal,” and such a person becomes a perfectionist; Workaholism. There are several approaches to studying this phenomenon, but we are interested in the fact that its cause may be: the employee’s expectations of a special reward, the social attitude “because it is necessary,” satisfaction of the needs for respect, recognition, authority; psychological or physiological dependence on work; The role of a rescuer, which is played in life by many, especially people in “helping” professions (teacher, doctor, social worker, etc.).2. The consequences of this unpleasant phenomenon: - a decrease in the quality of communication in the family, with loved ones; - fatigue accumulates; - nervous overstrain, exhaustion; - apathy; - psychological disadaptation (inability to adapt to living conditions due to a traumatic situation); - and, as a consequence of previous reasons , somatic diseases.3. Ways to cope: Finally, muster up the courage and define your professional and personal boundaries with your manager and colleagues. Politely but clearly inform that after the end of your shift, you cannot answer messages and calls; Determine for yourself that you came to work, and not to a charity fund. Here they pay for work, and you come here to earn money or gain experience, and not engage in philanthropy; Change your social circle - stop hanging out with those colleagues who tend to regularly discuss only work; Find a hobby outside of work that will give you a sense of your own importance and self-worth . And then work will cease to be the only reason to respect yourself; Think soberly and consciously: this work existed for many years before you, and will exist just as long without you. And it is impossible to complete all the tasks, it has already been tested empirically - as soon as you do everything (and if you remain alive), they will come up with even more work for you. Accept the fact that no one is irreplaceable, and you don’t have to be the best or most productive employee; Create a ritual for yourself saying goodbye to work at the end of your shift and use your imagination. For example, when turning off your work computer, imagine that you have turned off thoughts about work and start thinking about what is now waiting for you at home; After work, do meditation or sports - do some physical activity to shift your focus and distract from obsessive thoughts; Change your route going home - the new path will also distract you, and if it is longer, it will give you time to relax and think about pleasant things - use this time profitably; If your loved ones are ready for this, tell them about your work worries. But don't go too far. Set a time limit of 15-20 minutes for the story - learn to do it in doses, develop volitional regulation, and there will be more obsessions in your life.