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How often should you go to a psychologist if you are in therapy? Why so often? It's just a money transfer! I don’t even know what to talk about so often... These are the questions I hear from time to time and I would like to clarify)). The classic Freudian approach to psychoanalysis says that therapy should take place on average 5 times a week. Complete immersion, work on deep transformation. Some psychologists, consultants and psychotherapists believe that it is necessary to conduct at least 3 sessions per week. And all these approaches and opinions have their place. They all have their own justifications and prescriptions. I believe, based on my personal experience of conducting psychotherapy and participating in it as a client (each analyst is required to undergo his own therapy, plus undergo supervision), I can say that everything is very individual and everything cannot be reduced to uniform frequency of sessions, everything depends on the client’s feelings and readiness. A lot depends on the method of psychotherapy, on the combination of states, properties and qualities of a person, such as the organization of the psyche, personality type, degree of integrity of the self structure, the presence or absence of neuroses, obsessive states, the emotional state of a person at the moment and his motivation to work. I also believe that the minimum number of sessions for effective work in the method of therapy that I work with (synthesis of psychoanalytic, positive, existential therapy, as well as elements of Gestalt therapy and coaching ) this is at least one per week. If you conduct sessions less frequently, it will no longer be therapy. This will be, so to speak, a situational debriefing. Situations here and now. Problems at home, at work or anywhere else. Of course, even from this format there will be benefits, for example, to speak out, let off steam, be in a safe and comfortable space where you are fully understood, accepted, not judged and supported. Where the therapist's attention is completely focused on you and in the process of work the life situation becomes clearer, the clouds disperse and an understanding of what is happening appears and at the same time a way out of the situation is found if it was not visible. But... There is one But. By dealing with small situational tasks, you will not have time to work through the repressed (unconscious) material, which directly affects absolutely everything in your life! Which essentially defines you as a person with all that it implies. And working like this on solving superficial life issues and not working through their underlying causes is like, instead of treating a disease, simply stopping its symptoms. As if, during a fracture, you simply took painkillers. The doctor would say - dear, stay late, you need to devote more time to treatment, you need an x-ray to understand that the bone may need to be corrected, after which we will put on a plaster cast and prescribe pills for you. To which the patient responds - yes, it’s fine, it will heal somehow, I don’t want to bother, and I don’t have time for any kind of treatment right now, I’d better run to you later for more painkillers. Everyone understands the moral of the story - you don’t need to neglect the limits therapy and going astray from the planned schedule, once you’ve decided to do it (possibly because of unconscious resistance that tells you, “yes, the most painful thing has already been decided, when it’s an ass again then I’ll come”) but rushing into therapy with fanaticism is also bad idea, balance is important in everything. Sign up for a consultation with me by phone. 89500776757 (Whatsapp, Telegram, Viber). I'll be glad to help you.