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An inept tightrope walker working under a circus big top without insurance is a person living without trust. Trust consists of faith: in yourself, your strengths, abilities, values, goals, in the integrity and reliability of other people. You can't trust others without trusting yourself. Here are some reasons for not trusting yourself:▪️Fear of making a mistake.▪️The desire to meet other people's expectations and, as a result, loss of oneself.▪️Self-criticism, low self-esteem.▪️Doubts of others.▪️Painful experience of the past. ❓How to start trusting yourself❓ ▶️ Give up idealization. Everything ideal is static, but real life is changeable. Feel and trust yourself, and not “castles in the air”, then it will be easier to navigate difficulties and build resilience in overcoming them.▶️Achieve your goals step by step. Specifying subgoals is an effective routing so as not to go astray, not get lost and not undermine your self-confidence , disappointed.▶️Understand and recognize yourself. Trusting a stranger is difficult. Get to know yourself, establish a dialogue, learn to hear and understand your own inner world.▶️Open up to hidden possibilities. Act, try, do, even when the inner voice says “I can’t”, “I don’t know how”. Otherwise, you won’t know about your inclinations. ▶️Love the process more than the result. When self-confidence is undermined by illusory ineffectiveness, compare your starting point and current achievements. Your movement will give you confidence in your strength.▶️Raise the bar. When successfully completing tasks, strive for more complex ones. Positive changes will not keep you waiting. ❓How to start trusting others❓ ▶️Minimize high expectations from others.▶️Work through negative experiences that dictate certain behavior.▶️Normalize your self-esteem from low and high to adequate😉.▶️Stop “putting on” labels.▶️Deal with the parental attitude that “you can’t trust anyone” ". In matters of trust, as in other issues of conscious life, everything is simple and complex at the same time. There is no ideal recipe or magic wand, with the wave of which trust, acceptance and harmony will “burst” into your life. There is only a desire for change and real action. Trust creates an open, fulfilling life, development, respect for yourself and others. If this is valuable to you, it’s time to trust... ❤️ (more precisely, to act 😉)——————————🔹️Consultations for addicts and their loved ones (codependent)🔸Consultations on relationships in family and society🔸Coaching🔸Trainings🔸Working with difficult teenagers🔸Online groups on working with codependent and dependent relationships.☎️+7 918 089 44 71——————————