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1. We help the body. A) For many people, stress manifests itself in tense muscles. Stress accumulates in the muscles. There is a loss of their elasticity. The muscles of the shoulder girdle, neck and lumbosacral spine are especially affected - this can lead to headaches and back pain. Massage, sauna, swimming, and sports will be useful in this case. C) Various vitamins also help the body. For example, calcium is not only a major structural component of bones and teeth. Attention! Calcium is involved in the transmission of nerve impulses. Therefore, additional calcium intake is important during stress. Otherwise, the body will take calcium from teeth and bones. It is also good to take magnesium in combination with vitamin B6. Strengthen your heart and other muscles in the body that are under extra strain under stress. Relieve some of the tension and increased irritation. If you take it at night, you will get better sleep. Just keep in mind that it is not recommended to take calcium and magnesium together! 2. Helping your head digest the flow of information! A). It makes sense to keep track of what information gets into our heads, hits our ears and excites our nerves ;) More precisely, be careful in forming your idea of ​​​​what is actually happening. Fear usually creates illusions that can scare you even more. It can create non-existent connections between facts. IN). Put in order your thoughts that are “scattering in different directions.” Just try to write down point by point all the undesirable consequences for you personally. And opposite each point, write what exactly you can do to overcome the negative consequences. 3. Take care of your feelings and emotions! Accumulating anger and fear within yourself or throwing them out on others is not the best option. During the natural disaster of 2011, the Japanese showed the world an example of calmly overcoming difficulties associated with an earthquake. Therefore, it is important not to accumulate negative emotions in yourself, which will only aggravate the situation, but to try with all your might to maintain harmony within yourself. Prayer, meditation, and faith in the best help here. Sincerely, Jeanetta Tapejo psychologist, coachMobil +420774985171E-mail: [email protected]http://ru-psy.com/