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WHERE DOES LOVE GO? Each of us at least once in our lives experienced a burning feeling in our chest that made us want to “soar in the skies.” And it seemed that it would always be like this - here he (she) was with whom I wanted (wanted) to live my whole life. But...Time passes and this person, who was our ideal for family life, becomes uninteresting, indifferent, and sometimes even unpleasant. Why does this happen? Where does love go? You can approach this topic from different angles. Here is one of them. First, let's look at what brings us together, how we become interesting to each other. Among a large number of acquaintances and strangers, we single out those who seem more attractive to us. Later, from among them, we select some in whom we are particularly interested. Gradually we understand that interest develops into love and this captivates us even more. However, falling in love is not yet love, but a certain emotional state of a person that has its own characteristics. Further, new sublime feelings completely bring a man and a woman closer together. They both try to learn as much as possible about each other, strive for physical intimacy and unity. Now let's look at the basis of a harmonious relationship between a man and a woman. It is united by the following indicators. 1. Mutual understanding is an understanding of the personality of your beloved, interpersonal knowledge of each other, in which the points of view, positions, views and interests of both parties are fully comprehended and taken into account.2. Mutual trust is a relationship between lovers, based on confidence in the reliability, honesty, and integrity of their loved one, in which freedom of action is provided rather than strict control.3. Mutual respect is a respectful attitude between lovers, based on real recognition of the merits, merits, personal qualities, and unique characteristics of a loved one.4. Mutual support is the help provided to each other, where the lover finds sympathy from his loved one, gains psychological stability in moral, ethical or other support.5. The ability to forgive is the ability to give up an insult, to which a loved one has every right, and to offer a loved one who has “hurt” us a friendly attitude, which perhaps he did not deserve. Of course, this is not a complete list of what could contribute to rapprochement and unification in harmonious relationship between man and woman. Here you can add a commonality of interests, a similar level of education, and a desire for further joint development and improvement, and of course the acquisition of life wisdom. In any case, the more positive qualities you reveal and strengthen in your relationships, the less often the question will arise “Where does he go?” love"? Sergey Koshelev October 8, 2012