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There are two “I”s in me, two poles of the planet, Two different people, two enemies. When one strives for ballets, The other strives straight for running. These are lines from a poem by Vladimir Semyonovich Vysotsky, which in to some extent reveals the essence of the human psyche. I expressed it “to some extent”, because in fact, inside each of us there are many parts that are responsible for different areas of life, have a certain hierarchy and each has its own goals and needs , fears, desires, etc. Between these parts, in psychology they are usually called subpersonalities, various relationships can develop. For example, if a conflict arises, it takes a lot of energy, or more serious consequences arise - neurosis or illness. If the parts coexist “in peace and harmony,” then the person feels happy and full of strength. At the head of these parts, as in any successful organization, there is a head, referred to by specialists as “I.” If the boss (“I”) is responsible, then the organization will function successfully, but if the boss does not fulfill his functions, then don’t expect order with the result. Many people consider themselves as a holistic being, but this is far from the case. I repeat, there is a whole “team” living inside us. I think everyone is familiar with the situation when you honestly admit to yourself that starting on Monday you will go for a run or go to the gym, but Monday comes and it’s as if you have been replaced, some part of you resists or simply sabotages the activity. All these processes, of course, take place unconsciously; a person is not aware of the opposing parts, but simply feels internal tension, resistance, lack of strength, etc., depending on the degree of conflict. People often find themselves in such situations, and with the modern speed of life there is not enough time for awareness. The ability to negotiate with internal parts and understand their needs is the key to an effective and happy life. Working with subpersonalities may seem like a difficult task at first glance, but it is worth it. Over time, you even begin to enjoy it. You just need to turn on your imagination and you can imagine any part of yourself in the form of an image or an object, or even several at once, hold a meeting, announce the goal and listen to each one. For example, one part really wants to gain weight, while others may be afraid of changes in the body, they, thus, they will resist and sabotage weight loss. How? Yes, it’s very simple! For example, one part that wants to lose weight will encourage you to reduce calories by simply eating less. Another will view weight loss as the need to go to the gym, because if the body loses weight, then everything will sag and it will be necessary to tighten the muscles. The third part, at this moment, will think that you may need a new wardrobe, old things will become too big. And a new wardrobe is a serious material expense. The fourth part may think about how your relatives, friends, and acquaintances will look at these changes. The fifth part, who loves to eat, will be afraid and sad about the lack of goodies, etc. Thus, your parts, like the swan, the crayfish and the pike in the famous fable, will pull you in different directions, because “When friends don’t agree, things don’t go well for them”... How do you like that now? When you decide to lose weight, what part of you do it? When do you want to get married? What are your other 200 thinking and feeling at this moment... parts? So, I repeat, before making any important decision, it is worth “listening” to at least a few of your internal residents and clarifying whether all of them agree with the decision being made or whether there are objections. This is a useful skill that helps to avoid a huge number of problems and energy loss. It also helps to calm down and find a compromise for any unmet need. I will say one more important thing - accept all your parts, do not fight with them, but come to an agreement, they serve you faithfully and devotedly and you need to be in contact with them. Of course it is.