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This is the question I would like to reflect on with you now. Below I present my thoughts and I would be interested in your opinion on this matter. What do you mean I betray myself? According to S. Freud, each of us has opposing forces - the attraction to life and the attraction to death. What is the desire for death expressed in? In self-destructive behavior and external aggression, the desire to destroy oneself or others. The desire for life is creation, creativity, giving life, love, etc. I won’t go into this now; the main thing for us is to understand how this relates to self-betrayal. What does it mean to betray oneself? To betray oneself is to choose the instinct of death, that is, in one’s behavior and thoughts, demonstrate a desire for death. Remember the parable of the two wolves? Which wolf are you feeding? Once upon a time, an old Indian revealed one vital truth to his grandson. “There is a struggle in every person, very similar to the struggle of two wolves. One wolf represents evil - envy, jealousy, regret, selfishness, ambition, lies... The other wolf represents good - peace, love, hope, truth, kindness, loyalty... A little Indian, touched to the depths of his soul by the words of his grandfather, for several thought for a moment, and then asked: “Which wolf wins in the end?” The old Indian smiled faintly and answered: “The wolf you feed always wins.” Good and evil in this parable are the desire for life and death. Every day you choose which wolf to feed, that is, every choice you make is a desire for life or death. This is exactly what Edith Eger, who was sent to the Auschwitz concentration camp at the age of 16, wrote about in her book “Choice. About freedom and inner strength of man." She wrote that there is a Hitler in each of us, that is, that part that is ready to hate, destroy and kill not only ourselves, but also others. “We can choose what horror teaches us,” she wrote. “Becoming embittered with grief and fear. Hostile. Numb. Or hold on to something childish in us, alive and inquisitive, to that part of us that is innocent.” For that part of us that is alive, that strives to live, rejoice and love. We can choose what to think about, what to fill our mind and soul with, we can choose how to act. We can choose which side to be on now, on the side of Life or Death, on the side of Good or Evil. And you make this choice many times a day, so often that you don’t even suspect it, thoughtlessly, unconsciously. And every step you take is a step in one direction or another, towards life or death. Have you ever wondered what and when you betray yourself? So, when do I betray myself? When do I drink alcohol? Do I watch stupid TV shows? When I eat something that I shouldn’t eat, instead of eating something healthy, go for a walk or exercise? Am I betraying myself when I communicate not with those with whom I would like, but with those with whom it is beneficial or necessary? Am I betraying myself when I forget about my parents, my ancestors, my history? Am I betraying myself when I take out my anger on my child? Am I betraying myself when I don't believe in myself? Am I betraying myself when I don't believe in my child? Am I betraying myself when I allow someone to dictate to me what to think and how to live? Am I betraying my dreams and my plans when I do what someone else wants? Continue this list. I think it is very important to reflect on this right now. Now, when there is a complete collapse in the minds. When people don't know what is theirs and what is not. They don't know what to believe and what not. When do I betray myself? When did you start betraying yourself? Sign up for a consultation: + 7 - 913 - 565 - 5 9 - 85 Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram If you liked the material, please click on “Say thank you”! In order not to miss interesting things, subscribe to my publications! And please share the material on social networks! :)