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“One day before work after the holidays, but it’s simply impossible to work. No more strength. My strength remained outside the city...” “I gained 8 kg after the holidays! Now I’m on a strict milk diet...” “I gained so much weight after the holidays... although I used to think that all these topics did not apply to me...” “when will this weekend end!? I’ve even stopped combing my hair – I just move from the TV to the refrigerator.” These are excerpts from letters that come to us after the New Year. And this happens every year... Perhaps, the situation described above is not exactly your situation... And yet, the “after the holiday” state requires attention. During the Holidays, we find ourselves, in fact, in an unusual situation for the body and brain. Overeating and alcohol increase the load on the liver, kidneys, and stomach. At the same time, during the holidays, physical activity decreases, the usual rhythm of sleep and wakefulness is disrupted, and the duration of sleep decreases or, conversely, increases. WHAT DOES THIS LEAD TO? Overwork No strength or desire to go to work Drowsiness and laziness In general, you don’t want to do anything Weight has become more Chronic diseases are getting worse General feeling of depression and discomfort. And it turns out that you seemed to be resting, but the result is just the opposite. HOW TO GET OUT OF THIS CONDITION? HOW TO FIND DO YOU HAVE THE STRENGTH TO TURN ON AFTER THE HOLIDAYS? HOW TO COMBINE COMFORT AND ACTIVITY? BALANCE! You need to reduce the caloric content of food gradually! Do not overeat, but also do not torture yourself with hunger strikes. It is not wise to go on a crash diet right away. This will only increase stress - from emotional to physiological. Drink! Drink more fluids. To normalize metabolic processes, you need more fluid than usual. Especially after alcohol! Water, herbal and green teas, you can add a little honey and lemon. Volume - up to 3 liters. Organize your family's life during the holidays! Set the rhythm of nutrition, family activity, go where you can't on weekdays. Make time for just the two of you with your partner, and come up with something less trivial than a candlelit dinner (for example, dinner by candlelight on the roof))) Alternate between relaxation and activity! During the holidays we often go to extremes. Either skiing, snowboarding, skating, sledding, traveling, i.e. maximum activity for all 10 days. Or complete laziness, relaxation, unmade beds, etc. It is advisable to intelligently alternate these processes. To relax, calm down, and gain balance, it is good, for example, to draw tangles. Take an imaginary jog! Turn on your body using the Power of Imagination. You can lie down very comfortably and comfortably. Imagine skiing, cycling, etc. This should be something you have already done, and you know exactly how you feel in your body and how you feel during exercise. Imagine this until you feel that you are warming up, that your muscles are turning on. You might even break a sweat. Don't be surprised, this is a completely normal reaction. After all, an imaginary action activates the same parts of the brain as an action in reality. Go to the sauna or bathhouse! Only without beer... Energy massage! What to do: -Stretch from the heart, with pleasure -Massage your face, neck (also for pleasure, enjoy !) - Knead the ears, pull them slightly up and back - Rub the pussies of your hands, massage each finger from the nail to the base on the sides, stroke all the fingers, as if you were wearing tight gloves, pat your hands. There are a huge number of activating points on the hands, which will help you get started instantly. This exercise is very useful in the morning, at the beginning of the working day. 2 weeks after the holidays - take care of yourself! Do only what is necessary at work. Don't overload yourself right away. Anything that can be moved, move it. Abruptly starting active activity after a long break is extremely stressful! Be gentle and attentive to yourself! In general, the mood for business and planning is well linked to the lunar cycles, especially for Women. In our Workshop we meet every month on the New Moon and conduct.