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Dad hasn’t spoken to her since childhood. That is, they lived together. In the same apartment. Only in different rooms. The relationship was ruined by my mother. She no longer loved her father. Hence his daughter did not like him either. Which she later regretted a lot. But let's go back to childhood. They practically didn't communicate. But when they happened to be together on holidays and pretend to be a happy family, every time he sat next to her and was silent, she felt horror. She was scared and bad. She got up and didn’t want to sit with him anymore. The same feeling covered her in public transport, when they got off together and boarded the same bus. They stood next to each other, but she began to feel sick. From him, from this oppressive feeling of being rejected by him. She remembered these sensations for a long time. Feelings reminded me of them, the same feelings, only with other men. She felt good with them, until the very moment when her game came to an end, and as long as she could control her feelings towards them. So what is next? And then she began to hate them. She felt nauseous around them. She felt disgusted and bad. And I was forced to say goodbye to them. It was safer that way. And when she turned 40, she wanted to find someone with whom she could feel good. She wanted a reliable friend. A man who would understand her. She went to a seaside resort, where she was able to relax so much that the man himself found her. And I found it in the best condition. She was open and ready for a relationship. He turned out to be a teacher at the University. An intelligent man, with a good sense of humor and money who loved him. Upon arrival home, both felt that they wanted to be together. But letting two bachelors into your life so quickly is not so easy. At first they spent together a couple of times a week, then every other day. And so they came to the point that they were already staying with each other for whole weeks. Everything would be fine. But at some point the woman felt nausea, the same nausea that she felt in the presence of her dad. She realized that everything would soon end. She told her man about this, hoping that he would understand. But he was deaf to her feelings. Moreover, it began to scare him. He invited her to stay without him for a while. She wanted this herself. She wanted to figure out when and why this nausea turns on. She wanted to learn how to control it. But it had seriously grown into her psyche. And she could no longer understand the reasons. She came to me with a single request, to understand this, or rather this nausea, and free myself from it. During the work, it turned out that she was very afraid of her father. Especially when they were alone. She wanted to tell him about it so much, but she couldn't, that she stopped feeling herself, pushing the words of fear inside. But they couldn’t stay there for long; they came out feeling sick. Dad never respected her boundaries, but he guarded his own. He could even enter the room when she was changing clothes, and when she asked not to enter, he responded disgustingly rudely. Often he went into the bath when she was naked. But she could never defend her boundaries. And then the nausea was the impetus for the realization: boundaries had been violated. People whose boundaries are not considered or respected often end up opening them as wide as possible. Showing that I'm open. Expecting that they will fall for it, because it seems to them that if I had allowed my dad everything as a child, he would have loved me. But then the opposite happens - they open their borders and suffer themselves. Expecting it to be appreciated. Nausea comes in response. Nausea from unjustified openness with others. Once she realized that nausea was a signal of hidden feelings, she could begin to understand what those feelings were. And only then draw conclusions about the rationality of feelings.