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The social studies teacher asked the kids to prepare business plans. Well, the topic is entrepreneurship, let them get creative on the topic of intra-school business. The school is a model of the state. And the fifth-graders took on their homework as zealously as ever. And now - a lesson, a presentation. The bulky excellent student, who is beyond her age, laid out in great detail how she would set up a food processing plant. A nimble red-haired boy outlined fantastic prospects for transforming the school transport system: there are elevators, escalators, and rickshaws. A gloomy, neat guy, who did not at all look like a crazy IT specialist, gave a cool report on the system of automation, access control, accounting and control based on the school computer network. The lively, cheerful girl spoke about the production of shoes for all teachers, schoolchildren, and even for sale for export. And so, a thin, modest girl with an open face and kind eyes comes to the board. “All of you,” she tells her classmates, “started your business plans with the words “I’ll take out a loan from the bank.” So, I’m opening a bank. A restrained rumble of admiration and envy swept through the rows: how did you not figure it out? “My conditions are as follows,” the girl continues, “everyone can take out any amount at 20% per annum.” “Like any?” “And a million is possible,” the comically typical Vovochka, a bully and a second-year student, dozing on the back desk, raised his head. “At least a billion.” At least a hundred billion. But keep in mind that at the end of the year this money will need to be repaid with interest. Whoever doesn’t give it back, I take it with his property. “What, are you going to take away the whole business?” - the fat straight-A student was indignant, her cheeks flushed. “No, of course!” I’ll just take the missing part, no more. “Normal conditions.” Even excellent ones,” the IT specialist said thoughtfully, looking up from the calculator, “I agree.” Everyone nodded behind him, “everyone liked such a kind and generous bank.” “Well,” the quiet “banker” continued, “at the beginning of the year I will give out a mountain of money . But no matter how much I give out, 100% of the money covers 100% of the school business. And at the end of the year I will demand the return of 120% of the money issued. A mountain and plus another fifth of a mountain. And what you have on your hands is only a mountain, the 20% that I will demand from above does not exist in nature. This means that based on the results of the year, I will take 20% of the school. In a year, someone will be able to collect 120% of the money, and someone will be able to collect 400%. But this means that the other will not have even half of what is necessary to repay the debt. But it is not important. It is important that in any case, as soon as you agreed to take out a loan, you gave me 20% of the school. Next year - another 20%. And so on. Well, by the tenth grade I will be the sole owner of the school. Today you dream of well-being, business, success, development. And by the tenth grade you will become my slaves and I will decide who lives and who dies of hunger. The class fell silent. The teacher blinked her crookedly rimmed eyes in confusion. Someone’s cell phone was vibrating incredibly loudly in their bag. “What the hell with such a bank,” second-year student Vovochka was the first to come to life, “We’ll manage without the bank.” “Exactly!” - the cheerful woman from the shoe business lit up with hope, - we will manage without banks and money, we will barter our goods and services for each other. - And how will you pay for the ice cream, - the “banker” was sincerely surprised, - will you break off the heel of your boot and give it back? How will you pay your employees? Sneakers? So they will have no time to work - they will spend days looking for that baker who needs sneakers in order to buy a bun with jam. Look, ask Dashka,” the “banker” nodded at the excellent catering student, “she agrees to accept payment in sneakers.” “And we will write receipts for each other!” ‒ an IT specialist was found. ‒ Good idea, ‒ the “banker” nodded in agreement, ‒ and in three days everyone will have a stack of notes like this: “I gave Kolya a chair,” “Vasya gave me a ride on the escalator,” “I took Anya’s sneakers.” … And what? How can we deal with all this later? The class fell silent again. The pale teacher nervously twirled the bracelet on her wrist, absentmindedly glancing first at the despondent class, then at the calm and sweet speaker with kind eyes. “This,” Vovochka suddenly stood up, slamming his chair, “Ivanova, exactly.”