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A gas burner, a soldering iron, an iron, a bright lamp in your eyes and a gas mask with a closed oxygen supply valve will not suit you. Your wife is most likely not a terrorist, and you are probably not an investigator who is allowed to use any methods to achieve a result. According to the behest of Ostap and Kant, we honor the criminal code and the moral law within. In our situation, the situation is as follows: A man feels in his gut that his wife has a lover. Microchanges in her behavior drop by drop fill his patience and increase tension. The woman returns from work an hour later. She has reasons not to sleep at home on weekends. She spends a lot of time with her phone and never leaves it unattended. Her attitude towards her husband has also changed: sometimes she is overly affectionate, sometimes overly distant, but most of the time she is distant, as if suddenly she didn’t care about anything. At the same time, everything seems to be as usual. He doesn’t bring bouquets of flowers home, doesn’t return home from work with hickeys, doesn’t talk about divorce, and does household chores. Everything is as usual, but at the same time it is completely unusual, and most importantly scary. It's scary to find out the truth. It's scary to wear horns. It’s scary to find yourself in the role of a jealous person, who will be told that he is wrong and forced to apologize. It's scary to lose your family. It’s scary to forgive and live with the feeling of being a torturer and a rag. It’s scary not to contain your anger if something terrible is revealed and you do something bad. Therefore, the man remains silent and watches. Therefore, the man creates micro-scandals to open the abscess. One way or another, we need to find out the truth. There are two ways here and both of them are bad. A very bad way is to take her phone away. Force him to unlock it. Poke your nose into her information privacy and start studying the correspondence. If there is betrayal, then its traces in the phone are exposed in 99% of cases. We leave the 1% percentage to the fact that Stirlitz’s wife is in a skirt, that is, she has a different communication channel and keeps the Nokia 3310 in the ventilation. Create a scandal and bring the wife to such a state when only poison and bile will come from the wife’s mouth. She should be so hurt and offended that she will have no choice but to attack you with the terrible truth. Again, we leave a percentage on the fact that this trick does not work, and the wife turns out to be a robot, that is, a creature capable of tolerating moral intervention and not striking back. This method is very bad for two reasons. First. In the 21st century, doing this is not accepted and is morally reprehensible. In this case, from being a victim of betrayal, a man will go into the group of aggressors - abusers, whom you will cheat on, whether you like it or not, and at the same time demand half of the property in a divorce. Second. But what if the wife still doesn’t cheat? Her phone and conscience are as clear as a North American high school girl's hymen. In this case, the man will find himself in the position of a psychopath in the stage of paranoid delusion. The only way out for a real man in this case is to commit seppuku. A fake man will have to apologize a lot and next time, if changes are accepted, this number will not be repeated. Just a bad way. Just a bad way is to sit down and talk to your wife. So they say and so, I have suspicions. Tell me the truth. I will accept everything. These conversations from the series Anna Karenina admits adultery to old Karenin work only in great Russian literature and cheap dramas of the Russia 1 channel. In practice, they won’t tell you anything. With an innocent look, responsibility for the relationship, and there are clearly problems in it, will be shifted onto the shoulders of the man. In most cases, if there is betrayal, the woman will not admit it, but will conclude that the conspiracy needs to be strengthened. We need the truth, don't we? There is another exotic option. Hire a detective. Spend money and wait for either concrete evidence of betrayal or its absence. Before getting to the bottom of the truth, evaluate the situation of your marriage. How often do you have sex? If the last time we had sex was right on Easter, then we can’t talk about the absence of problems in the marriage..