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From the author: I will be glad to receive responses, reviews from those who really wanted, tasted and received their experience Live without tobacco, Breathe easily and freely, Be free! The truth about tobacco smoking Tobacco smoking is one of the main killers; a third of all deaths from cancer are associated with smoking; tobacco is the main cause of death due to heart disease, stroke and chronic lung diseases; in Russia, 42% of premature deaths of men 35–69 years old are associated with smoking; exceeding the dose of nicotine - respiratory paralysis; smoking quietly reduces the quality of life; impotence develops in 8 out of 10 cases; for non-smokers who work or live in the same room as smokers, the risk of lung cancer increases by 34%, cardiovascular diseases - by 50% ;smoking parents have a 60% chance of giving birth to a child with developmental disabilities; children of smoking parents take up smoking more easily; smoking in children inhibits the development of the body KEY CONCEPTS “No vaccinations, no hygiene, only vodka and tobacco!” - said Adolf Hitler in 1942. at a meeting, explaining the principles of the occupation policy of the Third Reich The key to quitting tobacco without consequences Rid yourself of illusions 1. Realize your motives for smoking: motivation for stimulation; pleasure from the smoking process itself; relaxation, pleasure, support; relieving stress, tension, anxiety; to be to your company; out of boredom, habit, way to occupy your hands; way to organize time; special ritual; emotional support... uncontrollable desire to smoke, psychological dependence2. Find an equivalent alternative to smoking. You can easily find an alternative to smoking, unless it has become an addiction. When this is the case, you will need specialized help. The hardest thing about quitting smoking is enduring the smoker's itch - the feeling of emptiness, the feeling of tension, nervousness - "I want a cigarette!" - the same feeling that accompanies a smoker constantly, forcing him to light another cigarette, the same feeling that is caused precisely by smoking, and not by some kind of external stress. The primary desired feeling is irrevocably lost under the influence of the nicotine drug. Remember the panic when you run out of cigarettes, it is the drug leaving the body that causes it. The first cigarette causes emptiness, and subsequent ones only support it.3. Understanding that by quitting smoking you only gain, stop the smoker's itch, and allow you to endure the withdrawal syndrome.4. Become aware of your motives for quitting smoking: motivation for stimulation; pleasure from the very process of life; relaxation, pleasure, support; relieving stress, tension, anxiety; to be part of the company; interest in life; optimization of time; special ritual of a healthy life; emotional support... freedom to live your own life5. Get advice from a narcologist on removing toxic substances from the body and maintaining vitamin and mineral balance in the body. Behavior that evokes positive emotions is quickly reinforced. (Get advice from a psychologist) Instructions for refusing the nicotine monster 1. Make a decision - a solemn promise to yourself that you will stop taking nicotine in any form. Smoking is simply a drug addiction, quitting smoking is that rare situation where there are no disadvantages, but only advantages! The duration and quality of your life directly depends on this decision of yours. Having accepted it for yourself, agreeing that it is correct, leave all doubts to make quitting smoking easy. You don’t make a sacrifice, you don’t lose anything, you don’t lose anything, on the contrary, you gain a lot - health, energy, confidence, self-esteem, pleasure, communication, money, finally, you gain your own freedom! Enjoy it! Experience the process of rejection with delightful excitement, a sense of relief, with delight!2. Don't envy smokers, take pity on them, let them envyTo you, the Smoker is a slave of nicotine, a slave of what he hates so much, what could be worse?! You don't need to avoid anything, such as situations where others are smoking. You are free, and you can easily and freely insist that they smoke in a specially designated area. Learn to relieve stress constructively, go for a walk, relax, chat with friends, enjoy food, drinks, remember - you are not deprived of anything, you are free. You can watch smokers, especially in society - how embarrassed and defensive they are when their attention is drawn to smoking, notice how quickly they put out a cigarette and light a new one. Their panic when the cigarettes run out, their suffering from coughing, shortness of breath, lethargy, stench, darkened teeth, social condemnation, self-contempt because he is a slave to what he hates so much. What does a cigarette give him? A fruitless hope of returning to that state of peace and tranquility that existed before the smoker lit his first cigarette. A condition that non-smokers enjoy throughout their lives. And the only thing that prevents him from experiencing this is the next cigarette. Now you can feel sorry for your smoking buddies, because they envy you, wanting to become free like you. Remember that at first your body will get used to life without nicotine, enjoy the process from beginning to end. 3. Starve the little monster and leave him no chance. The time has come to become the master of yourself, your body, and stop following the lead of this uninvited guest. Take him down the stairs, take back your home, cleanse your body. Fully aware of yourself, you understand that this unpleasant feeling is a sign that the body is being rebuilt in the right way, is being reborn, getting used to doing without nicotine. At such a moment, instead of thinking: “I want a cigarette, but I can’t afford it.” allow!”, just tell yourself: “It’s not me who wants to smoke, it’s an uninvited guest, this little monster demands its dose, this is what smokers suffer from all their lives, this is nicotine withdrawal, what could be better - I feel the struggle my body and I know – it wins! And soon I will forget about these torments, I will become free!” Now this feeling will become a signal for you of the health of the body - when the body encounters a harmful creature, substance, the first signal it sends to the brain is a signal of pain, a sign that the enemy the agent is discovered and the fight for survival begins. A weak body does not give such signals; it is too weak to fight. A strong body always reacts with pain.4. “Just one cigarette” - the tempter is provoking you, be vigilant! Both one and half a cigarette can resurrect a shriveled monster, just as several buckets of water gave immeasurable strength to Kashchei the Immortal. The same applies to various nicotine substitutes for tobacco. The resulting deceptive feeling of deprivation feeds your self-pity, causing you to doubt the correctness of your decision. Don’t push the problem aside, don’t overeat, don’t wash away the feeling of emptiness, emptiness, uncertainty. It is important to distinguish between the feeling of emptiness and the feeling of hunger. Eat when you are hungry, drink when you are thirsty, you can easily do this with company, the main thing is to eat with pleasure and maintain a balance of consumption and physical activity. Take a walk, practice breathing practices, give yourself enough rest, learn new ways to relieve stress , don’t restrain yourself - give yourself free rein, gesture in communication, keep yourself in good shape, fill yourself with positivity, enjoy life. Remember your real desire, your decision, the delight with which you will tell your loved ones about your victory over the nicotine monster! Remember - you only gain, it is he who loses, and it is he who passes off his feeling as yours. The truth is behind you, the strength is behind you, you will win! The hero is not the one who never doubted, but the one who resisted. You can be proud of yourself!5. “Stash”! You refuse the nicotine monster once, once and for all. That's why