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From the author: This article was published on August 30, 2012 here: Dear colleagues and site visitors! Very often lately I come across questions that people have low self-esteem. Due to low self-esteem, self-confidence decreases and people are unable to make decisions quickly. They think, think, think. It takes a lot of time to choose. Let's think about when a baby begins to develop adequate self-esteem? From birth? YES, RIGHT! It is when parents, encouraging the baby, pat him on the head and say “Well done!”, “How great you did!” (this is in the case of real merit) and “Let's try again!” (this is the case when you want to say: “bad”, “wrong”, “wrong”, etc.) What will happen if the baby constantly hears the words: “impossible”, “no”, “wrong” "? The baby will develop low self-esteem. After they say “wrong”, I want to say, show me how? But the baby cannot say this; accordingly, he gets used to the fact that they first show him how, and then do everything for him. This very often happens with second children, because the first-born needs to somehow occupy the laurels, so he tries to get ahead of events by putting together the same pyramid faster than his little brother. What can be achieved in this case? The fact that the younger one will eventually stop striving to learn new things and try to conquer the world. For what? The world itself lies at his feet in the form of an assembled pyramid. But this is enough for the child to form the concept that everything is done for him, there is no need to strain. And if you tense up, you will do it wrong. That's all the conclusions. Here you have uncertainty, here you have direct dependence on another person. Dear parents! If you dream that your child will achieve what he wants in life, you just need to praise him more often (of course, deservedly), say “well done” and stroke the head. What to do if there is nothing to praise for, YOU ask? This doesn't happen. The baby is growing and every day he does something new, depending on his age: “Here the baby looked, here he turned his head, smiled!!!”, “began to crawl, faster, sits down, stood up in the crib, etc.” d." You can praise forever! And the baby will try even harder! Your baby will have fertile ground for growing up and developing adequate self-esteem! Do not interfere with nature, but help it, guide it, and you will be happy! If you have questions or feel that something is going wrong, please contact us! Zavarukhina Ekaterina