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From the author: Continuing the theme of the previous publication “Another deep reason for laziness and apathy,” we come to the conclusion that this state is caused by the lack of personal energy at the point “here and now.” Therefore, let's look at several practical ways to enter the present moment. Practice 1. The easiest way to stay in the “here and now” is while walking, walking, jogging. And so that we are not distracted by yesterday's impressions or worries about the future, do the following: Allow your thoughts to flow freely. Allow yourself to think about everything that comes to mind. Feel the soil under your feet. How do your feet feel? Maybe bumps, pebbles, sand or asphalt? Listen to the space. Put into words what you hear. “It’s the wind playing with the leaves of the trees,” “It’s the car brakes singing,” “It’s the children’s voices on the playground,” etc. Feel the touch of the rain, the softness of the breeze or the warm palm of the sun on your cheek. Feel how they touch you. Just count the steps from point “A” to point “B”, training your ability to navigate in space. Predict the distance in steps, and then check how accurate you are. You can train your breathing by inhaling, exhaling, or holding your breath for a given count of steps. Practice 2. Set yourself the task of collecting as many pleasant, joyful, sweet, beautiful impressions of the day as possible. Just notice what you see, hear, feel, sense. What are you doing that is good, beautiful, pleasant and joyful? Later you can write this down, add pleasant little things to your piggy bank, and every day there will be more and more of them. This is magic, and you can create it yourself. Practice 3. While walking or riding in public transport, pay attention to what attracts your eyes. We pay attention to different things, situations and events for a reason. Our attention is discrete, we pay our attention only to what we already have inside, with which our internal state, our inner “I” resonates. If the above attention was attracted by a butterfly fluttering from flower to flower, then think “what does this mean for you". Maybe you lack freedom today and should reconsider and change your life priorities? If your attention was attracted by a car with a dented bumper, then perhaps you are tired and need some rest in nature. Practice 4. Gratitude. This is a great exercise for developing a sense of gratitude and simply lifting your mood. Give thanks for all the good things you see, hear, feel, touch and realize. For the beauty of the city you live in, for the beautiful weather, rain, snow or wind. For the friendly faces, for the transport that arrived on time, for everything that you see around. When we are grateful to life, then there is more to be grateful for every day. This is an excellent practice for transforming your reality, for managing your life. I think these four simple exercises are quite enough to understand the principle of entering the present moment. And you can come up with endlessly many of your own techniques for being “here and now.” The main thing to remember is what the unforgettable Ostap Bender said: “When they beat you, then you will cry.” And it’s true: you are now reading this article. You are warm and light. Perhaps there are seagulls nearby... What are you worried about? About tomorrow? “When there is day, there will be food,” and then we’ll see. PS How to free your energy system from the energies of the past and future that have stagnated in it? How to gather your forces, scattered across the time scale, in the present moment in order to become holistic and strong, in the next publication. This is already a serious energy practice and it requires special attention. Enjoy working on yourself!