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The most likely accompaniments of divorce among people in general are the following: Guilt Resentment Anger Feeling of inferiority Desire for revenge Desire to prove that a partner has lost a lot or to return the relationship Despair Reluctance to wake up in the morning Insomnia Depression Apathy and also a surge of strength Relief Peace Good sleep As you can see, reactions are different, even diametrically opposed... When someone dies of those close to him, the person who lost him is grieving. Why is he grieving? After all, if you believe religions, then your loved one has passed on to another world and most likely feels peace, but if you don’t believe religions, then he is no more, which means he is not feeling bad. It turns out that we are grieving for our loss, for what we have lost by losing this person. It’s much the same with divorce if you didn’t want it and didn’t initiate it. And to be more precise and honest - you are grieving for what you received from this person (attention, advice, a good listener, a caring parent, protector, inspirer, lover, sponsor, teacher, connoisseur of your talents, etc.). I will not tell the well-known ones. acceptance stage. I will only note that in a mentally and psychologically healthy person, they inevitably occur and you should not deny them or completely constantly be distracted from them. They are worth living, maybe not all at once, but piece by piece. You can be distracted and rest a little, but it is also important to live them little by little. This means that there is no need to try to drown it out with a new romance; the event is useless at best (especially for women). Alcohol looks tempting, but I don’t recommend it either, because... this is a way to avoid contact with yourself, your thoughts, feelings, ideas that come to mind when analyzing a departed relationship, and postponing the problem with pain relief instead of treatment ultimately leads to a worsening of the condition. It’s also a bad idea to indulge yourself with thoughts and plans about getting your partner back, although this is a mandatory program of one of the stages of acceptance and the sooner you can let go of this relationship, the better. You may ask, since I don’t welcome alcohol, promiscuity and attempts to get your spouse back, what Can I then suggest if I have any good ideas? I have suitable ideas about what to do today in general and what to do to avoid repeating mistakes in the future.1. Don’t expect a miracle, the first time will be painful and stressful.2. As I already wrote, a partner fulfills some of our needs, and it is important to clearly understand (it’s better to write down) exactly what needs the departed partner fulfilled for us (this is what will give you an understanding of most of what specific qualities of your ex-partner created your attachment to him).3 . Understand what needs your partner had (this will allow you to understand how you “hooked” and held your spouse).4. Understand which of your partner’s needs you satisfied and which you did not (this can give an understanding of some of the reasons for your partner’s departure).5. Understand what needs you are ready/want and not ready/don’t want to provide to your future partner when he appears (this will give you an understanding of which relationships are worth going into in the future and which ones are not). If you find yourself the initiator of the divorce...Has The point is to honestly answer yourself the question about feelings of guilt, to understand that if you took a long enough time, and not rashly, to decide on divorce and accepted it, then you really need it and fears like, “I need to go back, otherwise where am I in my life?” 20, 30, 60, 90 (underline as appropriate)? - this is just fear of the unknown, nothing more. About the feeling of guilt in front of the children, I assure you, there is not a single marriage in which the parents do not love each other, but live together and live together. they pretend that it did not have a positive outcome for the psyche of children together, because no matter how they hide the divorce from them, in most cases they still feel or understand that something is wrong. If you still want to return your partner or suddenly want to return to partner, it would be good to consider one cognitive effect When people..