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It is natural for a person to need knowledge... first of all, to know himself. And psychodiagnostics (psychological testing) is a good “easy” helper in this. According to modern general scientific understanding, the term “psychodiagnostics” means recognition of the state of a certain object by quickly recording its essential parameters and subsequent assignment to a certain diagnostic category in order to predict its behavior and make a decision about the possibilities of influencing this behavior in the desired direction. Now on the Internet there are a lot of different tests on a wide variety of topics. However, I would like to note that there is a division into popular tests and expert (clinical) psychodiagnostic methods. When studying the interpretation of popular tests, I think there are no difficulties. Here people try things out more from a match/fail position, and the attitude towards these tests is somewhat superficial, it takes place in a kind of game form, like “fortune telling”. :(The sad thing is that this attitude, for the most part, applies to all test methods, and now I often hear from others that tests do not show anything, as they say, you won’t get the truth from them. However, having quite a lot of experience in testing (when accepting candidates for service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs), I can say for sure that many people have difficulty assessing their behavior, do not focus on instructions and sometimes miss key words in statements (which consequently distorts the meaning and subsequent result, of course). What is important is the experience, knowledge and skills of the psychodiagnostician himself, who will be guided by a set of rules for the use of psychodiagnostic tools based on knowledge of the properties of the measured parameters and measuring instruments, on knowledge of the ethical and professional standards of psychodiagnostic work, and not on his own subjective opinion. When filling out the questionnaire, the assistance of a specialist is required, as well as (especially) when interpreting the results. Because only a specialist has the skill to analyze all available data. If you want to find out the characteristics of your personality, strengths and weaknesses, then I recommend taking the L.N. Sobchik method. individually - a typological questionnaire, which is aimed at diagnosing self-awareness, self-esteem, and self-control of an individual. Leading tendencies (personality traits, character traits) determine the individual type of experience, the strength and direction of motivation, and the style of interpersonal communication. An individual typological questionnaire was created by Lyudmila Sobchik based on the Russian version of the MMPI test - SMIL and allows you to classify each individual person as a specific type. In this test you can see your accentuated features (the most pronounced). As one of my colleagues said, accentuation is your “highlight”, what distinguishes you from others. And I really liked this comparison, and it even allowed me to look at some of my traits differently. Also, the method can identify traits (if they are present, of course) that lead to maladaptive forms of behavior, i.e. prevent you from living in harmony with yourself and your environment. https://psytests.org/accent/ito.html I draw your attention to the instructions when filling out the methodology. For the full reliability of the results, the quality of completing the tests is very important. And the idea of ​​not wasting time on thinking is fundamentally wrong!!! You will be presented with a whole series of different statements. Read the text carefully, reading each statement to the end and assessing it as true or false in relation to you. Only your opinion is important, and not your close circle’s opinion of you. In statements, pay attention to words such as sometimes, rarely, always, often, often (i.e. often), absolutely, etc. Since these words more specifically specify the state or behavior that is indicated in the statement. For example: I always follow generally accepted rules.