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How to make a guy fall in love with you? Young girls and boys, turning to a psychologist for help, often wonder: how to make the person they like fall in love with them? seduce the girl or man you like? In my opinion, this is due to the fact that in society there is an opinion about psychologists as clever manipulators who, if they set themselves any goal, then with the help of some actions and words and, naturally, their knowledge, they will be able to achieve almost any of their goals. goals and, accordingly, can teach this to others. In psychology, indeed, there are manipulative techniques. Much depends on how these manipulative techniques are used. After all, if there is a certain energy, then it can be directed to illuminate an entire city (for creation), or it can be directed to blow up this city (for destruction). At the University where we studied, there was a department of “Advertising Psychology” , where they train specialists and managers who must learn to better sell their goods, influencing the weak levers of the human psyche and sometimes forcing a person to buy a product that he does not need. All advertising is based on this. Many people know the fact that a person involuntarily, instinctively turns his attention to a greater extent to the image of a naked figure, beautiful women, to images of food and something that causes disgust or horror. These and other features of the human psyche are used for selfish purposes. In such a situation, a person is not considered as an individual who has his own interests, values, thoughts and feelings. A person is seen as a means to achieve his goals, as a certain thing to satisfy his needs. In the request “How to make a young man fall in love with you” there is a message to force another person to do something that you need, and not this person. The girl is interested in what manipulations need to be done to make a young man fall in love with you. The very wording of the question has nothing to do with love. But there are a lot of psychologists who respond to such requests and write many books on the topic “How to seduce a man or woman” and give various instructions on pickup. All these instructions on seduction come down to to the fact that weak spots are found in the human psyche, on which the manipulator plays like the keys of a musical instrument. There is also an important point that the manipulator creates a certain ideal image, posing as someone who he is not. He tries to be for another the way the object of seduction wants him to be. He deceives, misleads other people, trying to be better than he really is. At the same time, the manipulator is not himself, he hides under the mask of a pleasant, seductive image. All this leads to the fact that the victim of other people's manipulations falls in love and it comes to bed. This relationship may last for a short time. Because you can't lie forever and pretend to be someone you're not all the time. Sooner or later, the seduction program begins to fail. All books on seduction write how to seduce women or men, but nothing is written about how to continue and maintain relationships. And in advertising, the main thing is to sell the product and it’s not so important what you do with it: use it for its intended purpose or throw it in the trash. Why don’t these books say how the stories end? Do you know why? Because such relationships have no continuation. Close, deep, long-term relationships can only be built on the basis of trust, sincerity, respect for the personality of the other, on the basis of respect for the feelings and thoughts of the other person. And the manipulator is like a squirrel running in a wheel. This process is endless, it has no goal or end. The indirect goal of this seduction process is the self-affirmation of the manipulator at the expense of other people. At the heart of manipulative relationships using various seduction techniques is a time bomb, which will ultimately destroy these relationships and which is destructive