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In a social world where people communicate with each other, it is difficult to exaggerate the meaning of words. The word is not just a unit of communication, it is the living force of our thoughts, a reflection of our essence. And depending on what and how we say, we can significantly influence other people. Sometimes even unconsciously. Someone told you: “okay, do as you want” (this is how my father supported my choice to continue studying at school, despite the financial difficulties in the family). These words meant support despite the circumstances, that someone is always there for you. Someone told you: “you are kind” (this is what the priest told me during the important defining choice to live, believing in God). And you believed. Because at that very moment it sounded sincere. Because you are truly kind. Even if sometimes you notice yourself doing ridiculous things. This does not detract from your beauty and dignity as a person. Someone told you: “I love you” (I heard these words from my husband). Just because you exist. Opened your heart, and you were touched to the very depths of your soul, and realized that love is worth waiting for. And it’s so joyful to share love with someone who respects and accepts you. Someone said: “you are beautiful” (my husband told me that, although I was very insecure). I wanted to please you, to do something nice. You are valuable to this person. Someone said: “you’re great” (that’s what my daughter told me when I succeeded). And it's great to know that you can! Those who believe in themselves help others to believe. Someone said: “I’m here” (that’s what I said to my beloved cat, whom I was saying goodbye to, holding in my arms). And this is quite enough to feel that you can handle this together. Someone said: “Try!” (this is how my husband supported my endeavors). And you were inspired, gained courage and took the first step towards your dream. And you continue to move forward. How important it is to notice and realize, feel and pronounce every word with love. This is so important to you. So important to others. I invite you to share your good memories of the most important words ever spoken to you, which support you even now.