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Today I want to touch on a topic that worries many women: Nowadays, more and more often I meet women who become strong and do a lot themselves. They carry their home, their children, their work, and their husband. At the same time, after a certain time they feel very tired, exhausted and angry at their husband, at their loved ones and even at life itself. The female body, not designed by nature for such a load, suffers and cannot experience happiness. The woman is in a state of stress and is not able to give, fill her family with happiness and love. And this is a direct function of a woman. Then the husband, not receiving energy from the woman, becomes sluggish, lazy, passive. Why does this happen: - A woman does not realize her role in this world, in other words, her mother did not teach, did not explain, or she herself did not know how to fill a man and convey love.- A man may also not be aware of his role - the consequences of upbringing, the experience of his parents' family - A woman does not respect her man, does not believe in him - A woman criticizes her husband, thereby lowering his self-esteem, one of the reasons for this behavior is increasing her value at the expense of another. -Does not accept her husband completely for who he is. Perhaps, somewhere she does not fully accept herself and denies some qualities in herself. - A woman herself may not be filled with a feeling of love since childhood. That is, I did not receive love and acceptance from my parents in childhood. In this case, she can only take love, and it is difficult for her to nourish her husband and inspire him. A woman should know from childhood that for a man love is equal to trust, not care. For a man, love is faith in him. Behind every strong and great man there is a woman. First it is the mother, and then the wife. And vice versa, behind every man who did not become great, or became a tyrant, there is a woman who did not want to believe in him. Our feminine faith gives a man the strength to move from one floor of a multi-story building to another. How quickly a man will climb up the stairs, to the top of a house or perhaps a skyscraper depends on our faith and support. Of course, a man also needs care (ironed shirts, cooked dinner, etc.), but if this care is not faith, then there is no result. How to learn to trust a man: - this is to accept your man for who he is, i.e. take responsibility for your choices. This is the hardest part. But when we accept a man (husband) as he is, we come out of stress and relax. Then we can move on to more positive emotions, and the Universe will definitely respond to us with new changes. - Transfer the responsibility for providing for the family to the man (husband). It's not easy either. It is not enough to transfer your responsibility to a man; you also need to stop controlling and checking him at this moment. That is, if you agreed that now he will earn money, and you will take care of external comfort and children, then you need to remove your control over your husband. It will probably take him some time to acquire skills and prove himself at work, but your task is only wait patiently and believe in him. If you trust your husband, he will definitely cope and bring the “prey” home. Don’t worry about the fact that there may be difficulties with money for some period of time. The Universe will not leave you completely without funds, money will come from other sources while your husband “gets back on his feet.” - Be sure to praise and encourage your man sincerely, with love and acceptance. Remember the power of female success in a relationship with a man (husband) is in trust , faith and a relaxed state of the female mind.