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You are young and happy. You are 20 years old. You are acquiring more and more new knowledge, trying yourself in various fields of activity, your whole life is ahead, when suddenly... questions begin to appear: “Who am I?”, “Who do I want to be?”, “What is the meaning of my life?”, “What is it, my purpose?” They usually come unexpectedly and all at once, so a person may become depressed for a short time or simply feel sad. But don't lose heart! This situation can be corrected if we approach it from the right angle. After all, purpose, in fact, is just an illusion, a set of standard definitions in our heads. Imposed purpose Each person is an individual, unique and incomprehensible to the minds of others. Only he himself is able to understand himself and choose the best option that is suitable for him. This applies to all areas of life. Therefore, someone else's opinion is often meaningless. It often happens that children bear the burden of destiny placed on them by their parents. Study, work - all on the advice of elders. It’s good if the child’s internal desires coincide with the parents’. And if not? Performing everyday activities that do not bring pleasure and satisfaction will most likely lead to burnout or depressive apathy. Waiting for manna from heaven or how not to miss the moment. For some reason, we are designed in such a way that we put off all the best things for later: meeting a friend, dancing class, starting a family , birth of a child, favorite hobby. The same thing happens with our destiny. We are either waiting for some special signs, or simply postponing the search for it until better times. And time is slowly running out. Therefore, you should not consider destiny as something given from above, or difficult and incomprehensible. It's just a choice, your personal priority, what you like to do, what brings joy and satisfaction. We must understand and realize this here and now. In search of ourselves It is difficult to hear yourself if you do not listen. Therefore, learn to talk to yourself, hear and understand your needs, fulfill the desires and requests of your soul. It is better to conduct such conversations in silence, without extraneous distractions. In your search for purpose, you need to pay attention to the following points: It’s worth trying to stop and rethink your life. You shouldn’t get hung up on stereotypes and chase fashion trends if you don’t like them. You need to learn to clearly and competently set goals and objectives for yourself so that all energy was directed in the right direction. Try to do what is required at the moment for happiness. We are just people, and our lives are not always dictated by some higher purpose. The answer to the question about the meaning of life is not as important as the process itself search. And a little more about purpose. What is the main thing in life? That's right, live! Live today, now, every minute and even second. How to get happiness from being? The surest way is to love! And here there are no restrictions at all. Love yourself, your family and friends, your work, the universe, whatever. The main thing is that it brings joy and harmony to you. You just need to live, doing things that are interesting and pleasing to your soul, and enjoy every new day, every opportunity for happiness. This is precisely the meaning of our purpose..