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How to change your view of the world. Between the world around you and you is the head and the thought process in it. Her assessments, judgments, beliefs, prejudices towards herself, towards others and towards the whole world. Often thinking occurs as if without our participation. And sometimes you can get tired of “your own head”. What is stopping us? For example, one of the topics of the last consultation is the internal censor or internal critic. That same guy (girl) inside you who sometimes doesn’t let you live in peace. It is precisely in those moments when we most need support (from ourselves) that it turns on - the voice of the inner saboteur, the main doubter and, in general, a total critic. He, who sprinkles ashes on his head, replays the failures of the day and missed opportunities as if on repeat in his head. Limiting dreams and generally having a complex character) The most common point of view is that these are the voices of our parents, who filled our actions with their anxiety. I want to tell you that this is not always the case. The development of the inner world and psyche is like the growth of a young tree. Impacts to the trunk can leave marks that last a lifetime. For a young psyche, such a blow can come not only from messages from parents. A comment from a classmate, a stern look from a museum worker, a run-in by a local bully at a school disco - all this can leave a mark and inhibit the expression of emotion. And in the future it will influence you much more than you think. So, sometimes our psyche is slightly refracted by someone’s comment or assessment. This view is embedded in our thinking, goes deep into the psyche and becomes an internal critic. The one we live with every day. How do you work with this haunting commentator? There are many methods. The main ones, of course, are identifying and working through situations from the past. It also helps a lot to find meaning in this voice, the meaning of its messages, understanding the positive part of this criticism. That is, we are looking for what benefit can be derived from his “exhortations.” Along with this comes inner peace and the desire to continue to live in harmony with oneself. Just imagine for a second how life will change if the internal commentator is on your side, reasonable, lively, supportive, finding advantages and opportunities in the most difficult situations . It’s like a best friend, a mentor, only he is inside and always with you. Call, read, write. Denis Naumov+7926 197 99 07