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From the author: The future is already happening today... and in many ways - thanks to our unique children... The debate about the mysterious and enigmatic indigo children has not yet subsided, and already the crystal ones are taking up the evolutionary baton children who are ready, at the right opportunity, to hand over the Rod of Humanity to the rainbow messengers. The triad of children of the New Earth - Gaias - is a trial leap in time, rapidly bringing us closer to the denouement called the Galactic Shift or Crystal Transformation. What heavenly news do these multidimensional beings of light bring to all of us, incarnating in thousands, as if in a hurry not to miss the most amazing event on earth of all possible. What are they trying to tell us, as if piercing through their eyes, filled with Timeless Wisdom and lips, not yet ready to say the main thing... It is certain that the messengers of the New Era are among us and this is a good sign for the planet, which is preparing to give birth from a tangible burden, revealing to all of us an updated copy of itself. With every fiber of our soul and cell of our body, we feel an invisible connection with all the children who carry the flame of Prometheus. It is they who ignite the fiery aspiration of the universal human heart, beating in the depths of the long-suffering Terra - the planet of sorrow and cleansing torment, which for so long and stubbornly resisted the unceremonious, consumerist and exploitative attitude of the people inhabiting it. Therefore, it is no coincidence that the crystal children are coming right now. They are evangelists and luminaries of the spirit, little prodigies and human angels, preparing us for our ascension into the light of a renewed existence in refined energies. Their mass incarnation is possible partly also because indigos have accomplished their difficult work of changing mass consciousness, showing the intrinsic value of the individual and the subtle mental organization, vulnerability and sensitivity to socio-cultural changes and planetary transformations. Indigos, at their core, are Shiva Destroyers and disturbers of inert calm and oppressive stability, opening bubbles of imaginary well-being and habitual foundations and norms. Indigos do not immediately entrust all powers to crystalline followers. A complex connecting role in this transmission is played by children-bridges, who have already become adults and unite the energies of transformation with the crystal energies of renewal and purification. The owners of indigo - crystal energies are not rebels, like indigo, but worker bees preparing the hive for the arriving crystal and spectral (rainbow) ) carriers of new life. Indigo crystals combine the energies of the two hemispheres for a holistic picture of world perception in order to provide effective assistance to all other representatives of humanity with one dominant emotional or mental perceiving and cognitive part of their being. Their creative and constructive role is one of the main ones precisely in this transition time interval. But this is the main difficulty, since holding on to the increasing light while remaining as grounded as possible is a very difficult task. Hence the imbalance of their fields, adapting to rapid changes and, accordingly, heightened emotional reactions and physical sensitivity that need stabilization and alignment. All four groups of souls: indigo, indigo crystals, crystal and rainbow representatives of humanity symbolize the four substances - matter associated with the physical, etheric, emotional and mental body of a person, marking preparation for functioning in the fifth dimension - buddhic or spiritual, associated with the higher " “I” of a person and its manifestation. They seem to symbolize the four paths of development for all humanity, transforming the mind into intelligence, emotions into deep and intimate feelings and experiences, the physical body into an instrument of service with the unifying factor of sophistication and multidimensionality of the ether. Four states of matter : solid, liquid, gaseous and plasma, as if the four realities, existing independently, while maintaining an invisible but tangible connection, interact in new ways when it happens