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From the author: sexologist-psychotherapist, family psychologist. expert on television programs, member of the professional psychotherapeutic league, master of NLP, educational psychologist, specialist in the eastern version of neuroprogramming, specialist in personal well-being and family relationships, trainer, coach, esoteric psychotherapist. The author of more than 500 articles on a variety of problems, which you can see by looking at the *articles* section and, probably, this will already help solve your problem. The author of more than 100 training programs, as you can see by visiting my video channel on YouTube by typing “Afanasyeva Liliya Today it turned out that I decided to write an article on the female sexual problem of vaginismus, and at that moment a client from Voronezh called me with the problem of secondary vaginismus. Now she decided to get pregnant, but there is no way to do this. She has some internal spasms that create a general problematic background. And when the girl came to the doctor, it was impossible to do an examination, the patient did not give the gynecologist such an opportunity. For girls with vaginismus, this happens quite often, and I will say more: this is more often the rule than the exception. A trip to the gynecologist turns into a big problem, and sometimes it is simply impossible. And it seems that the female sexual problem of vaginismus, which has remained in the past, has worsened again. As a result, the desire to get pregnant is not yet realized. I have not yet worked with a client from Voronezh, she still needs to “ripen” for such work. Perhaps this will happen via Skype in the near future, but from my experience as a sexologist, psychotherapist and family psychologist. who periodically works with similar situations, I can make some assumptions. Vaginismus and pregnancy are difficult concepts to combine. It happens that a girl or woman was never able to have sex, and becomes pregnant through IVF; such cases are rare, but possible. Further, since vaginismus worsened, which seemed to disappear, therefore, some kind of psychological discomfort arose, which disrupted the state of remission. There may be, for example, an internal reluctance to get pregnant, or the upcoming excessive sex associated with what is “needed”, or rejection of oneself, and non-perception in the role of a future mother, there may be other reasons. So, the client from Voronezh, in any case, needs to somehow solve this problem, no matter with whom - a psychotherapist, sexologist or family psychologist, but a state of psychological comfort must be achieved. Next, a little about the situation that I would like to voice to you initially. She is connected with my client from Moscow, with whom I worked on her sexual female problem of vaginismus, as a psychologist-sexologist. The girl, unlike the first client, cannot begin to have sex with a guy. They've been together for about a year now, but still haven't had sex. We began to work with this as a problematic condition, and came to the conclusion that she had a fear that sex would cause unbearable pain. She remembered that this topic had always scared her. The client had read all sorts of horror stories on defloration forums. We removed all this garbage from her head. You shouldn’t take on the stories of others, she will have her own path in sex, and we need to make it as comfortable as possible. I, as a sexologist, psychotherapist and family psychologist, added to my client from Moscow the knowledge and attitude that everything is prescribed and planned by nature. Women and girls go through this here too: like a thread and a needle, one follows the other. Full compliance, especially since they had attempts at defloration, she saw her boyfriend’s genitals. Theoretically, he did not cause her any such rejection. Next, we came to the topic: the part that is afraid of pain, and found the place where this part “lives”. It was in the solar plexus area, which leads us to believe that it will most likely be something from childhood. And so it turned out, her image “came out” to meet us