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How to find a good husband. Fairytale therapy. Finding a partner is perhaps the vulnerable part of such a long-awaited marriage. A girl dreams of getting married, but shouldn't she marry behind a lamppost? Not her betrothed and she doesn’t know how to find him. There is only one way out - fairytale therapy! We open the door to the fairy tale and walk along the path or along the wide road to the matchmaker’s house. Our matchmaker lives in a fairy-tale city full of brides and grooms. We come to her for an appointment. Look who is your matchmaker? Is she a person or a fairy-tale creature? How does she meet and greet you? What questions does she ask you? What does she tell you? What advice does she give? How does she structure the conversation? Can the matchmaker give you a task that you must fulfill. We went to a fabulous matchmaker with one of my clients, we got a polite and cultured matchmaker. I asked about everything in detail. She greeted us cordially. And then he says to the client: “You are too proud. Go, find a source of modesty and patience, and bring me water from it.” “And where to look for it?” - the client asks. “You will follow the road out of the city. There is a wise old man sitting on the edge of the city - ask him, he knows,” answers the matchmaker. We left the city and went to look for the wise old man. Found. We said hello. They explained why they came. “You’ll have to go a long way,” answers the old man. “2 I’ll give you a magic feather, where it will fly, and go!” Don’t be rude to anyone, speak politely to everyone, don’t refuse help, and don’t forget to thank them.” We bowed to the wise old man, thanked him for his wise words and set off on our journey. Whether we walked for a long time or not, we came to a dense forest. There is a hut on chicken legs in a forest clearing. Baba Yaga came out of the hut and asked us: “What did you come with, dear guests?” We bowed to Baba Yaga. They told about their misfortune. Baba Yaga smiled and said: “I know where the source of modesty and patience is located. You will have to go a long way, but quid pro quo. I will help you, beautiful girls, just give me all your speculations, and the fictions that you have invented about men." "How can this be done?" We were surprised. Baba-Yana brought out two jugs with stoppers and said: “Let’s go now to the tree of Love.” And we went to the tree of Love for Baba-Yaga. We came to the Beautiful Garden, in the center of the garden there is a beautiful tree with fabulous flowers. The light from the tree spreads throughout the entire garden. Baba Yaga approached the tree and turned into the Goddess Lada. The goddess Lada holds out the jugs, removes the lids from them and says: “This tree radiates Love, inhale love into yourself, and into the jug exhale all your thoughts and fantasies about men. Breathe like this until all your unrealistic fantasies leave your head. And I’ll wait for you.” We sat down under a tree and began to breathe. We breathed until our head and heart felt lighter. The goddess Lada came up to us, took the jugs from us, plugged them with corks, and filled the corks with sealing wax. And he says: “Now, I will take you to the source of modesty and patience, but if you again build all sorts of conjectures and fictions about men, everything will collapse and you will again be left with nothing.” The goddess Lada raised her hands, a magic carpet of beauty flew in fabulous. We sat on the airplane carpet and flew away. They flew and flew and arrived at the source of modesty and patience. The Keeper of the source greeted us and asked: “Do you often speak badly about men?” “Yes,” we admitted. “Try to speak well about men.” Praise them if you find something to do. But don’t belittle yourself either. Marriage is a union of equals. It’s not for nothing that they say: “Two boots make a pair.” What you are like—you are the same! If you slander men, you will be left without a partner!” The Keeper of the source poured us magical water, and the goddess Lada took us on a magic carpet to the fairy-tale city to the matchmaker. We came to the matchmaker, gave her the water. “You did it quickly,” said the matchmaker. “Well done.” Come now in a week. During this time I will look for candidates for husbands for you.” We thanked the matchmaker and returned from the fairy tale to the real world! If anyone wants to repeat our journey: you are welcome! Come: let’s take a walk in!