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From the author: Every situation that is out of a person’s comfort zone is stressful. Long-term stress is a crisis. The body needs help to overcome and adapt to a new situation. How to take care of yourself in a crisis situation The Parable of Two Frogs This parable tells about two frogs who fell into a pot of sour cream. They did not want to drown! Then they began to flounder and swim. However, this clay jug had very high, slippery walls. And the frogs can’t get out of there. One frog thought: “I can’t get out of here anyway. Well, I’ll flounder in vain. It’s just a waste of time to fray my nerves. It’s better that I drown right away.” She thought so, stopped floundering - and drowned. And the second frog thought: “No, drown I will always have time. But I’d rather flounder some more, swim some more. " He tries, but nothing works. No matter how you swim, you won't get far. The jug is narrow, the walls are slippery - it’s impossible for a frog to get out of the sour cream. She doesn't give up, doesn't get discouraged. “It’s okay,” he thinks, “as long as I have the strength, I’ll flounder. I’m still alive, which means I have to live. And then - what will happen.” And now our brave frog is struggling with his last strength. And now she has begun to lose consciousness. She’s already drowning. She’s already being pulled to the bottom. And she doesn’t give up. Just know, she’s working with her paws... What is it? Our frog feels something solid under her feet, something so strong, like the earth. She looked and saw: there was no sour cream in the jug anymore, but it was sitting on a lump of butter. “What is it? - the frog thinks. “Where did the oil come from here?” She was surprised, and then realized: after all, it was she herself who, with her paws, churned solid butter out of liquid sour cream... The frog jumped out of the jug, rested and jumped... Using this parable as an example, you can see ways of behavior in a difficult situation. One frog, realizing the hopelessness of the situation, resigned himself to fate and drowned. The second one continued to jump until it knocked the sour cream into the butter and jumped out. Military conflict is a stressful situation for a person. Stress is physical and emotional tension that appears in response to an unexpected and abnormal situation. This is how the body protects a person. So that he survives and finds ground under his feet. When a person is in a stressful situation for a long time, overstrain occurs. The body needs help. How to help the body: Pay attention to your fear. Fear is a protective function of the body. Warns of danger. Fear causes the body to trigger a chemical reaction that increases the heart rate. This provides greater blood flow to the muscles. Rapid breathing saturates the blood with oxygen. Metabolism occurs faster. The strength and endurance of the body increases. The person becomes braver. Pay attention to the dream. Healthy sleep provides rest to the body, promotes the processing and storage of the body. The natural duration of sleep is 8-10 hours. Two hours before bedtime, engage in a quiet activity, drink a warm drink before bed. Take care of personal hygiene of the body (skin, hair, nails, teeth), shoes, clothes, home. It is aimed at improving human health. Eat regularly: breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner, second dinner. Supports normal functioning of the body. Do morning exercises. Its goal is to charge the body with energy for the whole day. Notice your desires: what you like, what you want, what was joyful, what surprises you. Complete your goals by taking small, concrete steps every day. For help, use: Feelings. A person has feelings: love and hatred, courage and cowardice, joy and sadness, anger and compassion. Every person is able to notice and control their feelings. You can try to notice them and express them in a comfortable way for yourself and others: using words, dance, drawing, music, pantomime. Reason. A person can use his mental abilities: think logically, assess a situation, comprehend new ideas, plan, analyze!