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Step 3. “Debriefing” If you have analyzed situations and events in which you regularly experience emotional irritation and anger, then it’s time to figure out whether you should react this way to what irritates you. If the people around you irritate and cause anger and irritation, then you should think about very simple things and accept them for yourself as objective facts. The facts that exist in human relationships are the objective side of this interaction. Whether you like these facts or not, they will not cease to exist. Maybe it makes sense to reconsider your point of view and stop perceiving them too subjectively? For example, very often irritation and anger are shown by those people who are overly focused on themselves, self-centered, proud, vain and demanding of others. In relationships with others, they are often guided by the principles of obligation. However, the objective reality is that: - in this life no one owes anything to anyone, no one owes anything to anyone. If another person has done something for you, be grateful to him. Because he had every right not to do anything for you if he didn’t want it himself. If he doesn't want to do something for you, that's his choice. And he has the right to make a choice not in your favor. Just as you have every right not to make a similar choice in favor of another. Recognizing such a right for yourself, recognize it for any other person. - in this life, no one is obliged to understand you, treat you with understanding, is not obliged to take into account your interests, or put your interests above their own. Another person has his own interests, has his own desires. And he has every right to put his interests above yours. Just as you yourself have the right to put your interests above the interests and desires of another person. In this life, no one is obliged to respect, value, or honor you. You either inspire respect in others or you don't. It depends on you, it is you who form a sense of respect for yourself by your own behavior, your attitude towards others, etc. Any situations that cause you irritation and anger associated with relationships with others can be analyzed from an objective point of view and come to the conclusion that you yourself are making excessive demands on others and how you want them to treat you. The fact that people do not correspond to your idea of ​​how you expect to be treated and causes you irritation leads you to a state of anger. What are you angry about? Is it because those around you don’t want to treat you the way you expect? Is it because you cannot force them, demand from them the attitude you desire? After all, anger and irritation – often anger and irritation are a manifestation of one’s powerlessness to cope with someone or something. But do they owe you anything? Obviously not. If you notice that most often inanimate objects or pets cause irritation and anger in you, then you should admit to yourself one very obvious fact. You are not able to influence them. Whether you are angry with them or not will not change anything. What is the point of this anger then? Obviously, there is no point in this. If small children, especially your own, cause you anger and irritation, then your reaction may not be entirely justified. Children do not see the world with the same eyes as adults. They sincerely do not understand why they cannot run through puddles and flop in the mud, go to bed when they want, and eat when they have an appetite, etc. Parents of children, and teenagers too, are often dissatisfied with their disobedience. Nevertheless, the age-related crises that children experience at one time or another in their lives are completely natural and very important stages in the formation of their personality. By suppressing them, parents prevent their children from growing up and becoming independent. I noticed more than once.