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From the author: We come to this world for the development of the soul. Each of us has a bright side. For some it is pronounced, for others it may not appear. The more Light we emit, the higher the level of our consciousness, and the closer we become to divine vibrations. It is important for everyone to discover their own source of Light, learn to hold and strengthen it. This article, which is published on the website, is intended to help with this. I wish everyone to feel the joy of unity with their source of Light. We come into this world to develop our soul. All life events that happen to us are designed to help us in our development and development of the necessary qualities. Each of us has a bright side. For some it is clearly expressed and manifested. Such a person is perceived by others as bright, his presence brings a special atmosphere of love, harmony, and positivity. For others, this powerful potential may not be realized or even recognized due to their weakness or the strength of the dark side. But everyone has inner light. We are “created in the image and likeness of the Lord” and it is in this energy of Light, love and creation that our likeness is found. The more Light we emit, the higher the level of our consciousness and the closer we become to divine vibrations. This is what we need to strive for. Therefore, it is important for everyone to discover their own source of Light, learn to hold and strengthen it. This will be helped by knowing through what personality traits the Light Side manifests itself directly in you. Analyzing your natal chart and studying your karmic horoscope will help you gain such knowledge. In the natal chart of each person there is Selena (White Moon) and Lilith (Black Moon), which determine the light and dark sides in a person and the characteristics of their manifestation in life. Selena determines the sum of good deeds in past lives. These are areas where a person receives the support of Higher powers. Selena points to the bright path of evolution. For a person with strong Selena, it is obvious that the Supreme exists. Selena is associated with the role of a Guardian Angel; she shows a person the path to the Light, bestows grace and a sense of higher meaning. With the help of her tips, we can change ourselves and the world around us. If Selena is strong in the horoscope, then the person becomes truly happy and receives powerful protection from Higher powers. Lilith is the sum of previous dark deeds reflected at the deep level of consciousness. According to Lilith, the measure of evil and destruction that a person can do if he follows the lowest path of development is determined. Lilith shows a person's past dark karma. Often associated with sexual dysfunction. Lilith indicates what you need to overcome in yourself, to overcome, what your enemies will be, what temptation comes through. Lilith is a place of testing, illusions, a provocation for the manifestation of qualities that never give a positive result. During the period of its activation, it can be perceived as the most attractive point of the horoscope, but behind it there is an abyss. Thus, love relationships based on interaction with Lilith create passionate attraction and obsession, but never give the desired happiness, but are an illusion and bring disappointment, grief. Lilith brings our desires (not always conscious), addictions, internal problems to the outside world, making them visible and accessible to our own awareness. During periods of internal instability, depression, Lilith brings out the fermentation that occurs in the soul - fears, obsessions, - which increases internal panic. Manifestations characteristic of a person are associated with the characteristics of the zodiac sign occupied in the natal chart. If internal psychological work follows the detection and manifestation of negativity, Lilith will serve well. An effective tool for working through Lilith is holographic therapy. Depending on their position in the zodiac sign, Selena and Lilith appear in each person’s horoscope through certain qualities. Here is a short list of the main manifestations of Selena and Lilith in different zodiac signs: a list of manifestations of youyou can look at the website http://astropsy.com.ua/). It is important to strive to actively demonstrate the qualities of Selena of your sign, by showing them, a person opens the channel of Light, activates his Guardian Angel. Whereas the manifestations of Lilith’s qualities must be learned to be controlled, since through them a person increases negative karma. After the accumulated karmic negativity exceeds the permissible level, a reset occurs. And in a person’s life, problems and negative situations arise: karmic diseases appear associated with the zodiac sign in which Lilith is located, or problems occur in connection with the house and the corresponding sphere of life that Lilith occupies in the natal chart. For example, the Black Moon in the sign of Leo provokes manifestation of pride and betrayal, love affairs. If a person is realized according to Lilith, indulges in such manifestations, then in his life the reset can pass on to the child. A child may be born out of wedlock, or serious problems will arise during the birth of the child, or the child will be very sick, or there will be difficulties with the offspring, or the impossibility of pregnancy. Lilith can also affect the health of the person himself, and in this case the karmic punishment will be heart disease. By encouraging the manifestation of Selena’s qualities in your children, you help them tune in to the wave of Light - this is an important aspect of spiritual education. Knowing the position of Selena and Lilith of your loved ones, you can help them reveal the best in themselves. Depending on the position of Selena and Lilith in the zodiac sign, you can determine their strength (from 1 to 12 points) of manifestation of the light and dark side in the person from which he came into this world. The strength of a sign shows the balance of what has been accumulated, the strength of the light and dark sides in a person. Evidence that a person has not decided between good and evil is the position of Selena and Lilith in the same zodiac sign. In this case, a person must definitely make his choice between good and evil. When Selena and Lilith are in the same house, this suggests increased attention to this area of ​​life, in which a person also has ambiguous experience. The features of the aspects formed by Selena and Lilith with other planets characterize how the light and dark sides of a personality can manifest themselves. The strength of manifestation of the light and close sides is determined by the number of aspects formed with other planets. It may turn out that a person has a strong Selena, but she does not have aspects with other planets and the person does not have access to his light part, it is very difficult for him to manifest it. In this case, a positive role for him will be played by people who activate his Selena: this happens when the planets of a person’s natal chart form harmonious aspects to it. Through such a person a Guardian Angel can manifest and help from the Light forces can come. But in order to receive light help, it is important for a person to manifest and cultivate the necessary qualities in himself. The connection of planets with Lilith is the most vulnerable point, the Achilles heel of the cosmogram, which is considered one of the most difficult aspects, because it helps to awaken the negative qualities of the planet. Evil tries to seduce our soul through deception. And the more significant the horoscope planet is in conjunction with Lilith, the more significant the scale of evil emanating from it can be. Lilith is associated with lies and its various masks, and a person who is at a low level of development, with this aspect, is easy for dark forces to deceive, seduce, plunge into sinful activities, push to manifest the most negative qualities of the planet in conjunction with Lilith. The owner of the aspect himself will try to justify his low manifestations. The most dangerous connections with Lilith in the natal chart are connections with the Sun and Moon. In this case, this is an indication of the possible manifestation of Luciferian energies through the personality, ego or emotions, the human soul. Through the connection with the Sun there will be a constant provocation of pride, ego, evil will try to subjugate the personality. Through conjunction with the Moon, Lilith willtrying to subjugate a person’s emotions and soul. Such indicators are a signal for the person himself, requiring him to pay attention to his manifestations, mood and actions. Self-development and education should be the focus. Otherwise, a person may become dependent on dark forces. Planets in conjunction always work in pairs, so a change in the qualities of one planet leads to a change in the qualities of another. This property of the connection must be used for your own benefit, developing positive properties and strengthening the core of the planet in conjunction with Lilith. Such a planet is a door to dark manifestations. The door opens through the negative manifestations of the planet, and the power of the positive manifestations of the planet will help keep the door closed to evil. For example, Neptune, when manifested negatively, gives a tendency to alcoholism and/or drug addiction, illusions. But Neptune in its highest manifestation is spirituality, psychology, the subconscious, inspiration, ideals. Everything depends on the choice of the person himself. Thus, through confronting dark manifestations, developing the positive qualities of the planet in conjunction, you can weaken the influence of Lilith, develop immunity against evil, and learn to fight it. As a result, a person will defeat evil not only in himself, but will also help reduce evil in the world around him. The conjunction of a planet with Selena is a door leading to heaven, the key that opens this door is also the planet in conjunction. When Selena connects with the Sun or Moon, they talk about the angelic essence of a person: a bright spirit or a bright soul. In order to gain access to the Light, a person needs to cleanse his planet from any of its negative manifestations. In other words, a person needs to constantly develop on a planet that is in conjunction with Selena, develop its positive qualities, and reveal its angelic nature. Unfortunately, the connection with Selena does not work in all horoscopes (unlike the connection with Lilith). This is due to the fact that that the Light Forces respect the choice of every person. And in order for the connection of planets with Selena to begin to work in the horoscope, the person himself must turn towards his Guardian Angel, making a conscious choice, showing certain qualities of the sign and planet with which Selena is in conjunction. The bright path is associated with real good deeds, but not all of them can be called good. A good deed is only good when a person does it selflessly, as a matter of course. Selena's highest power manifests itself when a person observes moral principles, helps other people understand themselves and helps awaken good thoughts in them and in themselves. Such personality traits are strongly manifested in saints, prophets, and saviors. We, too, need to strive for the same level of morality and understanding of our purpose on Earth. Often there is only the appearance of good when a person lulls his conscience, when he hopes to receive something for his good deed. This is called self-interest. For such a person, even prayer is a complete formality. We are rewarded only for selfless actions. Everyone gets what they deserve: no more and no less. Sixty-three years is an interesting date in a person’s life, when the Black and White Moons return to their places and merge. They put a person in a position of tough choice: if he didn’t have time to do anything, then there is no point in changing himself. Everything that a person managed to achieve before this age, he will experience on himself. After sixty-three years, it is too late to move from a lower level to a higher one. This is why there are so many unhappy and sick old people at this age, which is why many die at this age (give or take a year). However, leaving life without suffering, quiet and calm, is a sign of the awakening of the Higher Powers in a person. It is not possible to determine from the horoscope which path a person will take. You can accurately determine your inclinations and predispositions, explain how karmic indicators manifest themselves, recommend how to act and what to resist. How does a person use this potential?