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Changes have no beginning and no end. However, just like a person. A person can be said to have two aspects to his experience. The experience of bodily life and the experience of spiritual life or the life of the soul. Bodily experience is accompanied by sensations, and out-of-body experience is accompanied by feelings, experiences, states, and thoughts. And if the bodily experience of changes is finite, then the experience of changes in the soul is endless. Now back to the changes. They really don't have a beginning or an end. It is a series of images and different experiences. The experience of being in the form of an image even before the first material manifestation in the form of a sperm and egg. Then the experience is already materially measurable (blastula, gastrula, embryo), but so imperceptible and unconscious that practically no one remembers it, much less talks about it. There is nothing to remember or talk about in that experience. But that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. It is there even if you fail to recognize anything. Then the birth experience. And everything that follows during life and after it. It is all a process of change, accompanied by various life experiences. And, as it were, fixed in this experience. The change is fixed in experience. Is it possible to refuse the change? Give it a try. Can you do it? If you manage without committing suicide, you will be the first and the only one. Well, if you don’t get along, then even after death you will get revenge for it. Remember the attitude towards suicide in all religious denominations, without exception. Do you still want to cancel the changes? Then changes come to you. Let's assume that you managed to live, for some time, stopping the change. But nothing will work here either, because no one can cancel the change in time. Change in time where it is not visible at all. At the levels of organs, tissues, cells, etc. And, accordingly, sooner or later, at the level of the whole organism. Either you will grow or something will grow. The fact of change will occur without your participation or desire. Can we influence the changes that happen to us? Can. But we are unable to stop the changes or prevent their onset. We have the power to give them direction and make sense of what is happening to us. Changes can be in two directions: either development or degradation. Why is this necessary? We are doomed to change. But who said that they are always positive and are development? They may well be degradation. What does this depend on? From the efforts you make or don't make in the process of your natural changes. If you apply, you will receive development and progress. If you don’t make an effort, you will get regression and degradation. I foresee a question or objection. What about the children? They make no effort and still develop. But here it’s just the opposite. Children make every effort to develop. At the same time, showing two qualities that are extremely necessary for development: curiosity and interest. And as long as these qualities are present, development does not stop. What is the main meaning of development for each person? In improving your life. It turns out that development is not only inevitable, but also the sacred duty of all life on earth, and perhaps not only on earth. Why am I talking so much about changes, development, experience (the son of difficult mistakes)? Think, or better imagine how many changes recorded in experience you received of your own free will and voluntarily? This is practically an indicator of your efforts, that is, your development. And the higher this indicator, the higher the interest and curiosity in various areas of life. Accordingly, there is an indicator of lack of effort, that is, degradation. It can be calculated by a quantitative indicator of the time when you did not receive new life experience in the form of new knowledge, skills, experiences. It doesn’t matter in what form or in what area of ​​life. If this indicator exceeds the critical level, consequences appear. Life seems stopped or monotonous. Nothing happens in it. Life interests are narrowed down to banal needs. Dissatisfaction with oneself, one's activities, irritability, and apathy appear. This is often.