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From the author: I continue the publication of the book “How to save a family or when is it better to get a divorce” - who is the boss of the house? Who is the boss of the house? If we talk about practical use of the methods of preserving the family that are described here, then the principle of our work will be to learn to find the cause of stress in an uncomfortable family situation, which is your stress code, and taking this into account, do recoding, that is, build a corrective scenario. And then get used to the “right role”, changing circumstances in your favor, managing family energy, becoming the MISTRESS in your family, and in your life. I understand that “Mistress of Life” sounds somehow too serious, responsible and somewhat pretentious. But sometimes it is pathos (in the good sense of the word) that we lack in order to love ourselves, to receive and strengthen life energy, to appreciate our own greatness... The significance of ourselves as a Personality. It is not for nothing that I wrote Personality with a capital letter, because for many people the perception of themselves as an individual, Personality or PERSONALITY, this is a test for self-awareness, for self-esteem. By the way, here we come to the next task. Assignment Please evaluate yourself, which of the words in relation to yourself is closer to you: personality, Personality, PERSONALITY? Well, now you know what you are like, which means it’s easier for us to understand who you are and where you come from. And I hope you also understand where we are going. If you don’t understand yet, you will understand as you move along... Say to yourself or out loud: “I am the Mistress of Life!” What emotions and thoughts visited you at this moment? Confirmation or doubt, inspiration or shame, awkwardness, relaxation or tension? Usually it is difficult to call oneself the Master of life for those who consider themselves not worthy of having their own opinion, not worthy of respect, not worthy of happiness. What is he worthy of? As sad as it is, the word WORTHY, for such people is unconsciously replaced by UNWORTHY and turns into a self-deprecating attitude. Such a person takes his problems too seriously and finds “serious” evidence that the only thing he DESERVES in life is failure in the family, at work, and, as a result, stress... By the way, one of the common causes of stress - precisely our too “serious” attitude towards ourselves, towards life, towards its difficulties. Thus, in the event of even the slightest failure, you create an excess potential of negative energy, which, according to the law of attraction, attracts even more negativity into your family. Therefore, in order to add “frivolity” to our “serious” conversation, I, as you probably noticed, from time to time insert jokes and stories into the text. After all, as you know, humanity, laughing, parts with its past. So quickly part with your past grievances, sorrows, disappointments and open up to the positive future... A man and a woman got married, he says to her: - Since now you are my wife, you must respect my habits, I have THREE of them: First. Every Wednesday I play football with my friends. Rain, snow, whatever happens FOOTBALL! Understood? “I understand,” the second wife answers. Every Friday my friends and I play PRE-FE-RANCE. Understood? “I understand,” the wife answers. — And finally, third: every Sunday I go fishing. Winter, cold, mother-in-law's birthday - it doesn't matter - I have FISH. Understood? “I understand,” the wife answers. - Well? What do you say? - I understand everything... - Any objections? - No. - Or maybe you also have some habits? I am also ready to treat them with respect and understanding... - YES, - alone. I have sex every evening at 9 o'clock. I have a husband at home, no husband at home - it doesn’t matter, I have SEX! It turns out that you need to fight stress by not taking the problems that cause it seriously? You don’t need to fight stress. You need to thank stress! Why thank it? For the unpleasant sensations that he gives us? For his vigilance! After all, stress is a signal that there are unsurmounted obstacles, unspoken words, unfinished/