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Let's continue to talk about the stages of goal specification. Let me remind you that a specification is an important tool that helps you build in your mind a path to your goals in which you have no chance NOT to achieve them! If you have already: checked that there is no part NOT in the formulation of your goals; ourselves such goals in which it is you, and not anyone else, who are responsible for their implementation. Then we can consider the following stages of goal specification: The third stage of goal specification is called sensations. In it we will talk about the experience that we get with the help of organs feelings. We have three systems for perceiving information: visual, auditory and kinesthetic (feelings and sensations). The visual system allows us to create various images in our heads. We can imagine almost anything! And it is this system that can greatly deceive us. For example, if we create a dream image in our head that does not correspond to reality, we are thereby deceiving ourselves. We can imagine that money just started pouring into our account and now we are becoming super-rich and successful entrepreneurs without doing anything for it. Of course, you can imagine this. But to implement?2. It is more difficult to deceive the auditory system, since the information that we perceive by ear comes from the real world. For some, this method of perceiving information is the main one, and they pay attention to those distant sounds that other people would not even hear (for example , the meow of a kitten from a nearby street).3. The kinesthetic system (these are our feelings, emotions and sensations, both physical and internal) never lies. Think about your goal, using three perception systems at once. For example, your dream is to relax in the Maldives. First imagine a visual image (azure sea, white sand, endless blue sky..), then think about what you will hear there (the sound of waves, the laughter of your friends - if you don’t want to go alone, rhythmic music at a beach party.. ) and feel what sensations you experience (the sun caresses your skin, your feet bury yourself in the soft sand..). If you would like to move to a luxurious apartment or buy an expensive car, just imagine all this in detail (sight, sound, Feel)! If you want to meet your soulmate, think about what he/she is like (externally, how it sounds, what sensations you experience next to this person). Scientists have proven that when we draw a detailed picture of something in our imagination, those in our brain are activated the same neural connections that we would use if we found ourselves in a similar environment in real life! This is how we give our brain a certain coordinate system of where we want to be. And the more precise, the better! At this stage, it is important to listen to your feelings. If, while thinking about your goal, you feel discomfort, anxiety, doubt, or indifference, this is not your goal. Your goal should inspire and fill you at the level of sensations across all channels. The fourth stage is the context in which the implementation of our goal occurs. Think about your goal: Where are you realizing it? At what time does this happen? Who is next to you? For example, if you dream of an expensive car. First, put this car into the context of your life - is there a place in it where you will leave this cool car? If you now live in an ordinary residential area, where the most ordinary cars are parked in the yard, will your expensive purchase fit in there? Would you be worried about her safety? Or should you first think about changing your place of residence? Think about the details, they are important because the goal cannot exist without context. And the fifth stage is the environmental friendliness of your goal. Determine how environmentally friendly the goal is for you? To do this, ask yourself: Will I lose something important by achieving this goal? For example, your goal is to build a successful business. What do you lose: free time and peace of mind (a big burden falls on you