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Now let's learn to understand feelings so that we can move on. Some experts say that a person has a million different feelings. Let's imagine for a moment that this is true. In this case, in order to communicate with another person and understand how he feels about me, I would need to make a choice from a million options. But this made social interaction impossible. We need something simpler, which is why during evolution we have developed only eight senses. But even in them we manage to get confused and call black white. Why do we need feelings? To show whether we are moving correctly, and if not, to motivate us to take action in order to return to comfort. For example, you are sitting on a bench, basking in the sun and experiencing joy, your brain tells you through comfort: you are doing everything right, continue in the same spirit. But then a group of armed hooligans approaches you, and you will already experience fear, you will immediately need to solve this problem in order to be safe. A feeling automatically appears in your body that motivates you to take action. Every uncomfortable feeling motivates you to take action to return to comfort. But before you motivate to do anything, you need to understand what is happening. Emotions evaluate situations based on previous experience. Therefore, the scheme is as follows: emotion -> feeling -> action. For example: I see a big angry dog ​​in front of me and, based on previous experience, I assess the situation as potentially dangerous, I have a feeling of fear that motivates me to be safe, and I take an action - I begin to step back. Assessment of situations can occur both consciously and unconsciously. For example, you saw some stranger, and he makes you feel uncomfortable. If you are asked what exactly bothers you about him, the person may not give a reasoned answer. But, if you are immersed in hypnosis, you can find out the situation from the past in which you made such a decision - to react to a similar person in a similar way. And now this happens automatically, without your conscious participation, and consciousness can only come up with a rationalization. CLASSIFIER OF FEELINGS: So, the big three, those feelings that we experience most often. Fear. Its goal is to restore safety. Once you are safe, fear will immediately disappear and reappear when you are faced with a threat again. Resentment. Its goal is to restore justice for itself. For example, a friend borrowed one hundred dollars from you and does not pay it back. You are offended by him. But then it turns out that he simply forgot, takes them out of your pocket, and then all the resentment immediately disappears. Guilt. Its goal is to restore justice for others. You took a hundred dollars from a friend and are not giving it back because your salary is being delayed. He writes to you: “When will you return it?”, and you feel guilty. As soon as you return it (justice is restored), the guilt will immediately disappear. More uncomfortable feelings: Boredom. Its goal is to motivate you to make meaningful changes. For example, I am now on the train from Milan to Rimini. And just sitting and doing nothing is boring for me personally. Even watching a movie and surfing social networks can be boring - there are no significant changes. But then I opened the laptop, remembered that I had been wanting to finish this chapter for a long time, and two hours flew by unnoticed, because this is a creative process that requires the use of thinking. In general, if you're bored, start writing a book ;) Sadness. Its goal is to compensate for the loss. For example, you lost money and can’t find it, you had plans for it, and now you’re sad. But it turns out that you left them in the car. And the sadness immediately passes. But the loss may not be material. For example, your girlfriend left you and you are sad. But then you meet another girl, even cooler, and the sadness immediately evaporates. Loneliness. Its goal is to create meaningful relationships. You can be surrounded by millions of people in a metropolis, have a bunch of acquaintances and still feel deeply lonely,