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https://www.b17.ru/article/316348/Self-confidence is an important quality that indicates that a person values ​​himself, is responsible for his actions, ready to cope with life's problems 🦁And confidence begins to form from early childhood. People🐇, indecisive, doubting themselves and their capabilities, experience significant difficulties in life, are afraid to take responsibility, take initiative, change their lives for the better.❗ Some adults understand something different by confident behavior. They teach their child to be a kind of “master of life”, cultivating in him a sense of superiority over others. Such children often grow up self-centered, unable to understand the feelings of another person, believe that the whole world owes them, behave aggressively 👿if they don’t get what they want. And the parents themselves then suffer from this 😱because the child does not respect not only the people around him, but also his PARENTS (he yells at them, does whatever he likes, and not what is prudent, attacks with fists. / yes, yes, as the teenager says, I give change / and by the way, parents come to me expecting that I will raise a child?! 🤔Alas, a psychologist does not educate!!! That’s what parents are for!!! And in this case, we start therapy with dad and mom) Thus, parents play a major role in building self-confidence in a child. This quality affects the harmonious development of the child, quality of life, success, interaction in society. Self-confidence and one’s strengths is one of the main gifts that parents can give to their children. So, what is the reason: Insufficient expression of love or its complete absence . As a result, the child feels lonely and unhappy (something is wrong with me, they don’t love me, I’m not good enough). parents, and then they are surprised, “He yells at me?!, he expresses physical aggression towards me?!”, reluctance to negotiate, explain (a phrase I often hear - “If you behave badly, I’ll give it to your aunt...that’s it, I’m off!” ). Lack of support and understanding of the child’s problems and fears. Lack of self-confidence of parents. It is impossible to teach what you yourself do not possess. In such families, phrases such as “Where you go, don’t meddle... keep quiet, you’ll keep going... you can’t do it, don’t try... you won’t succeed...” are the norm of communication. As a result, the child comes to the conclusion: “If mom and dad don’t believe in me, then I’m really not worth anything.” Overprotection. An attempt to warn against gaining one’s own experience. Fear of giving responsibility for one’s actions. The consequence is lack of initiative in children. Criticism , comparison with other “smarter, more obedient, beautiful...” I would call “comfortable” children. WHAT TO DO? Encourage the child’s efforts! Praise the child more often! Give the right to independence The mistake of many parents is the desire to “spread straws.” "There is no need for this - the bumps should be filled, and the experience should be gained and stored in memory. Respect the thoughts and emotions of the child. Your child has the right to disagree with you, to feel anger, resentment, irritation. Stop shaming the child for his “inconvenience.” , devalue his achievements, insult him only on the grounds that you are older and “wiser.” Teach him to defend his point of view. Instill in your child the ability to understand and defend his interests. Don’t be afraid to ask his opinion on important issues, give him freedom of choice. Explain to your child. his rights and freedoms. Many parents try to place more responsibilities on their children. They teach him to be obedient, study well, help around the house, and take care of the younger ones. Such upbringing instills in the child the position of a victim, they say, you owe everyone, but you yourself have no rights to anything. Show your child that he, too, has virtues that others should take into account. If you want to see him as a self-realized and happy person. Do not instill in your child a sense of exclusivity. All children are exceptional to their parents. But when they.