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I bring to your attention the video caste “The Illusion of Success” Video caste for those who really want to go beyond the imposed ideas, create their own inner success, feeling successful in this life, regardless of their position in society. It is not recommended for viewing by those who believe that achieving success in the outside world depends on the actions that a person performs. That having achieved success he will be a happy person. Success is very significant for each of us. And many people want to achieve success in one business or another. All promises of external success are illusory. When we are unhappy, we think that a new car, a better job, or a loving person will make us happier. However, every acquisition leads to the exact opposite result. When we are unhappy, we usually think that by acquiring something we can satisfy our inner pain. But that's not true. There are never enough acquisitions. As we continue to feel unhappy about not having more than we have, the illusion of external success increases. We believe even more strongly that we cannot be happy without getting more. It seems that having received what we wanted, we became happy, but soon the blues overwhelm us again. As before, we mistakenly think that we will get rid of pain and become happy by acquiring something else. Unfortunately, with every attempt to gain external success, we only feel more empty inside. Not only are our lives not filled with more joy and peace, but we are plunging deeper into the abyss of confusion and disappointment. PERSONAL SUCCESS COMES FROM WITHIN Personal success comes from within; it can be achieved if you are able not only to be yourself, but also to love yourself. You need to be able to do what you want while being confident, happy and strong. Personal success is characterized not only by achieving a goal, but also by the feeling of gratitude and satisfaction that comes after achieving what you want. No matter who you are and no matter how much you have, without personal success you will always lack something for complete happiness. Personal success is achieved when you are truly happy with yourself and your past, present and future. To achieve personal success, we must first understand the futility of trying to make achieving material success our highest priority. What good is it to get something and feel like it's not enough? Why get what you always wanted if after that you lose interest in it? What good are millions of dollars if you look in the mirror and hate your reflection? Should you sing a song that everyone loves but you hate? To truly find lasting happiness, you need to make small but very important changes in your thinking. Watch the video HERE>>