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When we fall in love and start a marriage, the passion and romance seem endless. However, over time, with the routine, responsibilities and stress of everyday life, passion can gradually fade. But this does not mean that it should disappear completely. It is important to pay attention to and nurture passion in marriage. In this article, we offer five tips to help you maintain passion and intimacy in a long-term relationship.1. Making time for each other The ability to make time for each other is a key aspect of maintaining passion. When you have a lot of responsibilities, children and activities, it can be difficult to find moments for close communication. However, make time for your partner regularly. These could be evenings for two, weekends without children, or even short dates after work. It is important to feel that you are still important to each other.2. Open Communication Open and honest communication is the foundation of healthy relationships. Discuss your feelings, desires and expectations with your partner. Feel free to share what worries or concerns you. This will help avoid misunderstandings and conflicts, and will also create intimacy between you.3. Sex and IntimacySex is an important part of intimate relationships. At the same time, over time, passion for sex may weaken. Don't be afraid to discuss your sexual desires and fantasies with your partner. Try new things in the bedroom, experiment and embrace your sexuality. Sometimes novelty and variety can help maintain passion.4. Adventures together Sharing adventures and new experiences can keep passion alive. This could be traveling, sharing hobbies, playing sports, or even learning something new in general. These moments create excitement and unique memories that bind you closer to each other.5. Respect and SupportRespecting your partner and supporting his/her interests and aspirations are important to maintaining passion. The feeling that you are important and valuable to each other contributes to harmony in the relationship. Support your partner's dreams and goals and he/she will return the same to you. Maintaining passion in a marriage takes time, effort and attention. However, it is worth it because passion and intimacy can remain in your life for many years, making your relationship strong and happy. Don't forget that marriage is about working on yourself and your relationship, and passion can be a vibrant and inspiring part of your life if you both give it attention and effort. Sign up for a consultation with me in person/online +7-953-05-21-666 or leave a request here. If you like this article, please let me know by clicking on the “Say Thank You” button!"