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From the author: Are you being treated to a meal in a restaurant and do you feel obligated? Then this article is for you! We all strive for happiness. There is no other formula for happiness than to care, show your patience, bring light, kindness and give hope. The main thing is not to expect a return, otherwise selflessness will turn into a commercial transaction. But there are situations when we don’t know how to accept love or care so as not to feel obligated. Request: “Help, how to learn to ask, as well as accept love, gifts, care from people (not only from men).” Perhaps, inability accepting and asking is the most difficult situation for real women. Thus, they turn into self-sufficient, courageous ladies who may not really need a husband. How to change the situation, because having learned to accept, a woman will attract helpers into her life, and she will not need to strain herself as before. Reasons for not accepting love There may be a trivial reason for the fact that a person cannot accept someone’s care. This reason is the wrong attitude in life, that the whole world is built on mutually beneficial exchange. And if we have nothing to thank, then we cannot accept. From this position, it is easier to give than to receive. That is, a person can help someone himself. Moreover, if he expects gratitude, then it will not be easy for him to accept, since, according to his firm or subconscious conviction, he will have to thank, but there is nothing with which to thank. For example, when a woman lent money to a friend, and she returns it to her, she expects a simple Thank You. But when a man she knows offers her money, it is inconvenient to take it. If we are selfless in our actions towards others, then it will be easier for us to accept care and gifts from others, and it will be easier to ask. When lending money, it is better to mentally say goodbye to them and in general forget about them. And when you get them back, you yourself will experience more gratitude. When you simply, without expectations, communicate with men, without allowing the relationship to become deeply intimate, and as a result, you get married, you will be so grateful to him that you will become infected with selflessness and You can ask him for anything. But when you receive care from a man and think that you will have to “pay” with bed, this is a flawed theory; it will not help you become a happy person. Neither you nor anyone who has the same expectations for you. A man will never expect return from a woman if she does not even allow such a thought within herself. Why? Because people pick up on our mood. If a woman thinks that she will have to “pay”, she will have to do it. This example can be applied not only with men, but also with any other people (girlfriends, relatives, etc.). Perhaps you do not expect any gratitude, you simply give, but cannot receive. What is the reason and how to accept it? In this case, there is a possibility that your “heart chakra” is blocked, which cannot afford to accept selflessness. This may be due to childhood trauma, and then the help of a psychotherapist is needed. But there is a simple way that helps, despite any past trauma. How to accept love (universal way) In any case, there is an even more subtle reason for not accepting love and care from others. This is a general distrust of the world and God. If we do not accept His care, we do not trust Him. To learn to accept love, you need to realize that everything that is given to you is actually given not by people, but by the World or God himself. As they say, God has no hands other than human ones. If you remember this, then it will become easy to receive. In the same way, you need to give - as if you are giving from above, through other people. And this exchange of give and take should not be closed in any specific relationship. It is important to understand that we receive gratitude through other people and give back too. The original source is on my website How to learn acceptance I suggest continuing to take my training Success the feminine way Training courses Counseling Spiritually oriented approach