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When a conversation comes up about the development of creativity, the question always arises: to what extent are creativity and creativity the same thing? Because the essence seems to be the same, but still different meanings are felt. The word “creativity” is a neologism, that is, a new word. It came into our speech from the English language, and is a literal analogue of the word creativity. If you look at the translation of the word creativity, it has two main meanings - creativity, as a process - creativity, as a personality trait. If you go further and look at the interpretations of these translations, then you can see the following (I will give descriptions from Wikipedia here, although this is just one of the options, it is quite close to the truth). So, Creativity is a process of human activity that creates qualitatively new material and spiritual values ​​or the result of creating a subjectively new one. Creativity is the creative abilities of an individual, characterized by a readiness to create fundamentally new ideas that deviate from traditional or accepted patterns of thinking and are included in the structure of giftedness as independent factor, as well as the ability to solve problems that arise within static systems. That is, the same English word creativity carries slightly different semantic shades in the Russian translation. Although if you look at the meaning of the base of the word creativity - to create - it is translated as create, create, create , create, give birth. That is, in essence, creativity is the process of creating, creating, generating something new. When we talk about a person in English that he is creative, then in this case we understand the whole set of meanings: creative, creative, and creative . In the Russian language, we have to choose how best to call this creative person - creative or creative. Why did I start all this verbal and translation demagoguery? And to the fact that precisely because of the different meanings and contents of the translation of the word creativity, in the minds of most people there is a division of people into creative and creative. That is, creative people are people, such as artists, writers, fashion designers, photographers, who are creatively realized through , I apologize for the tautology, different types of creativity. While creative people are more a characteristic of business people: designers, advertisers, marketers, brand managers. Because creativity is kind of spiritual and sublime, and creativity is everything something more material. Therefore, if you use the word “creative” in business, it always carries a connotation of frivolity, and sometimes even almost an abusive meaning. “Oh, how creatively you solved the problem with this focus group.” And it immediately becomes clear that you won’t see a bonus. At the same time, “creative” means - you’ve done well, you’ve done a good job, you’ve come up with something new and unexpected. And it turns out that even though the words come from the same English creative, it turns out to be very difficult to choose a universal definition. Moreover, now there is a shift in the meaning of the word “creative” towards “original”, “unusual”, “non-standard”. For myself, I have determined that, in any case, the key is the process of creating something new. This is what I focus on when I work with the theme of creativity and creativity. It doesn’t matter what field you work in or why you create something. The main thing is what you create! And the ability to create something new is key at the present time. If you turn to Wikipedia, according to the authoritative American psychologist Abraham Maslow, creativity is a creative orientation that is innately characteristic of everyone, but lost by the majority under the influence of the environment. I would like to return this orientation to everyone who I lost it for various reasons. Because it makes no difference how to reveal your inner potential. It doesn’t matter who you are: an artist, writer or sculptor, advertiser, copywriter or businessman, the principles for developing your ability to create, create, be creative are the same. Just tools for expression!